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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #30980: The crocodile. Prepositions
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    The crocodile. Prepositions

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    English exercise "The crocodile. Prepositions" created by chrislondon with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from chrislondon]
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    A woman boarded a flight Rome and Milan with an enormous stuffed crocodile. She couldn't put the one-metre long crocodile the overhead lockers. She put it the floor, blocking the emergency exit. Several passengers complained and suggested she put it the back of the plane. An argument developed the woman and a flight attendant. The captain apologised the delay over the intercom. He explained that it was due the monstrous crocodile. The angry passengers insisted the police being called. The woman and her crocodile were escorted the plane. The delayed flight eventually took off two hours.

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