> Other English exercises on the same topic: Abbreviations and acronyms... [Change theme] | |
> Similar tests: - Initials / Abbreviations / Acronyms 1 - SMS language: abbreviations and acronyms - Initials / Acronyms 8 - Acronyms V - Abbreviations - Reduced forms - Job search and common abbreviations (US) - Ads and abbreviations (US) | |
> Double-click on words you don't understand |
Abbreviation | Full word |
abs | abdominals |
approx | approximately |
acct | account |
asst | assistant |
bicarb | bicarbonate of soda |
brill | brilliant |
burbs | suburbs |
chemo | chemotherapy |
choc | chocolate |
condo | condominium |
decaf | decaffeinated |
deli | delicatessen |
demo | demonstration |
dept | department |
emcee | MC (Master of Ceremonies) |
hols | holidays |
intro | introduction |
lib | liberation |
limo | limousine |
marg | margarine |
obit | obituary |
pics / pix | pictures |
quads | quadriceps |
rec room | recreation room |
roaches | cockroaches |
slow-mo | slow motion |
specs | spectacles |
turps | turpentine |
veggies | vegetarian |
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English exercise "Abreviations" created by webmaster with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from webmaster]
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