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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #32994: Boris Karloff or Frankenstein, by Guillaume Bertin.

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    Boris Karloff or Frankenstein, by Guillaume Bertin.





    Boris Karloff (born William Henry Pratt in November 1887 )was an actor who immigrated to Canada from England.


    Some time after emigrating to Canada, in 1909, William Pratt changed his professional name to Boris KARLOFF.


    Then Karloff arrived in HOLLYWOOD (in California) ,he made silent films,and his role as the monster in FRANKENSTEIN made him a star.

    This film launched his career .


    One year later, he played another character : Imothep in the Mummy.


    Boris Karloff died in February 1969 and his ashes were scattered in his native land of England, at  Guildford Cemetery of Goldaming, in Surrey, where there still is a plaque in his name.

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    English exercise "Boris Karloff or Frankenstein, by Guillaume Bertin." created by antoniutti with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from antoniutti]
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    1. What was his nationality?

    2. Where did he immigrate to?

    3. What was his job?

    4. When did he change his name?

    5. What is the name of the actor in Frankenstein?

    6. What was his role in Frankenstein?

    7. What was the most important film in Boris KARLOFF 's career?

    8. When did he die?

    9. Where can he be remembered?

    10. How old was he when he died?

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Boris Karloff or Frankenstein, by Guillaume Bertin.
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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