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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #3703: Verb - singular or plural?

    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Plural [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Plural - Plural forms - Countable or Uncountable? - Plural of words - Plural - Plural of nouns - Plural: Nouns ending in -ff, -f, -fe - Irregular plurals
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    Verb - singular or plural?

    Singular or plural?


    a) there is / there are :

    • There is + singular: There is a big dog in the garden.
    • There are + plural: There are poor people in the street.

    b) (n)either... (n)or...
    • Either ...or  + singular: Either James or Tony is able to help you.
    • Neither ...nor + singular: Neither dad nor mum has time.

    c) and:
    • ... and ... + plural: The man and his wife are French.

    d) people:
    • police, people... + plural: The police are in the street. (pour désigner chacun des policiers)

    e) clothes:

         If there are two "legs" => 

    "clothes" doesn't have a singular form ('cloth' is not the singular form of 'clothes'=> a table cloth / a dish cloth)
    • An item => an article of clothing

    f) words ending in "-s" :
    • Warning, these words are followed with a singular form - they are not plural words:
      crossroads, news, mathematics, physics, economics, athletics, politics, civics, the United States, a series (a series of disasters)...

    g) indefinite pronouns :
    • everybody + singular: Everybody is tired. 


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    English exercise "Verb - singular or plural?" created by lucile83 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from lucile83]
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    1. Bob and his brothers at school today. They are ill.

    2. Either Jane or Peter a chance to win.

    3. Sorry! Both Linda and Sally like that programme.

    4. Mary and Lucy like it either. They both hate thrillers.

    5. Only one of the conspirators the date and place.

    6. The police coming. Can you hear them?

    7. Every photo I receive numbered.

    8. What time the last news ?

    9. Physics your favourite subject: you are really interested !

    10. There new members.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Verb - singular or plural?
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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