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Verb - singular or plural?
Singular or plural?
a) there is / there are :
- There is + singular: There is a big dog in the garden.
- There are + plural: There are poor people in the street.
b) (n)either... (n)or...
- Either ...or + singular: Either James or Tony is able to help you.
- Neither ...nor + singular: Neither dad nor mum has time.
c) and:
- ... and ... + plural: The man and his wife are French.
d) people:
- police, people... + plural: The police are in the street. (pour désigner chacun des policiers)
e) clothes:
If there are two "legs" => plural
"clothes" doesn't have a singular form ('cloth' is not the singular form of 'clothes'=> a table cloth / a dish cloth)
- An item => an article of clothing
f) words ending in "-s" :
- Warning, these words are followed with a singular form - they are not plural words:
crossroads, news, mathematics, physics, economics, athletics, politics, civics, the United States, a series (a series of disasters)...
g) indefinite pronouns :
- everybody + singular: Everybody is tired.
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English exercise "Verb - singular or plural?" created by lucile83 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from lucile83]
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