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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #39154: Prepositions of time

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    Prepositions of time

    The following prepositions indicate time:

    at, in, on, before, after, from, until, till, to, for, since


    -ATis used with the time of day,with an age, and with the words night, first, last, beginning, end.

    at noon
    at 7:10
    at the age of twelve
    at night
    at first
    at the end


    -On: is used with days and dates. It can also be used with parts of a certain day and the word time and schedule.

    On Monday,
    on your birthday
    on October 18th
    on the evening of June 8th
    on time
    on schedule


    -In: is used with quantities of time and with the words "beginning" and "end".

    in ten minutes
    in an hour
    in a week
    in two years
    in the beginning
    in the end


    -Before and after are used with time of day, with dates, and with nouns that name events or occurrences.

    before noon
    after 5:00
    before December, 31st
    after April, 15th
    before the game
    after dinner

    NB: "after" can also be used with a quantity of time:
    after six months
    after thirty years


    -From is used with to, and till/until to indicate periods of time.

    from 1985 to 1994
    from May1st to June 10th
    from 10:00pm till midnight

    NB: Until/till can also be used alone with days, dates and times:
    until next Friday
    till next week
    until 20:10
    till August
    till midnight


    -For is used with periods of time.

    for half an hour
    for three weeks
    for one year

    -Since is used with definite times.

    since Sunday
    since 6:00 this morning
    since 1969

    Choose the right word.

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    1. Jim's plane arrives 6:00 am.

    2. My cousin leaves Friday.

    3. I'll see the doctor an hour.

    4. Jim needs to be home 12:00.

    5. That store is open 9:00am to 9:00pm

    6. The soldiers have a test lunch.

    7. Jeff has been studying 6:30.

    8. On Saturdays Sam sometimes sleeps noon

    9. They've been on vacation three weeks.

    10. Dan didn't get to work 9:00 this morning.

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