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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #4099: Participle

    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Present participle [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Confusing adjectives - Verbs and adjectives - Past simple or past participle - How to add -ING to a verb - -ING or -ED - Participle Clauses - Present participles can cause confusion ! - Been or being
    > Double-click on words you don't understand




    In some dialects it is common to say “my shoes need shined”  ( ! )WRONG:instead of the standard “my shoes need shining” or “my shoes need to be shined.”

    • I used to love parties. It satisfied my need to meet different people. (= verbe régulier au prétérit)
    • Are you satisfied with the party we had last week ? (participe passé utilisé comme adjectif = 'satisfait' )
    • Yes, nothing is more satisfying than seeing people having fun. (forme en '-ing' = 'satisfaisant')

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    English exercise "Participle" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. There's nothing more than to visit other countries.

    2. Andy Pierston is a good teacher. He tries to all his students.

    3. A student always works better and harder.

    4. The president's speech all the members of the party. Did you hear it ?

    5. I did... but I don't agree with you. I wasn't too by what he said.

    6. Did these photos you showed every one ?

    7. They all looked , didn't they ?

    8. Did her long speech you ?

    9. I like golf. It's a good exercise. It always me.

    10. Yoga is also very .

    11. The gym lesson me. I wasn't very fit anyway.

    12. I wasn't sure I wanted to go there but my parents me.

    13. Your father had very arguments.

    14. The dog is when you play with him because he's having fun.

    15. A long walk is always but it's very healthy.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Participle
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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