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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #4126: Comprehension

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        Ellis Island

    I was driving down ninth avenue

    As the sky was getting dark

    Didn't have nothing else to do

    So I kept on riding to battery park

    As I stept out in the damp and misty night

    As the fog was rolling in

    Man said 'last boat leaving tonight

    Is the boat for Ellis Island

    As my feet touched the solid ground

    I felt a chill run down my spine

    I could almost hear the sound

    Of thousand pushing through the lines

    Mothers and bewildered wives

    That sailed across the raging sea

    Others running for their lives

    To the land of opportunity

    Down on Ellis Island

    'What is this strange paradise ?'

    They must have wondered

    Through the cries ands moans

    After all their sacrificed

    Their faith, their families, friends and homes

    Then on the separation stairs

    They were counted out or counted in

    Frozen while the inspector stared

    Down on Ellis Island

    Down on Ellis Island

    Me I only stumbled in

    Just to wander around that empty hall

    Where someone else's fate had been

    Decided in no time at all

    Cases filled with hats and clothes

    And the belonging of those

    Who journeyed far

    They're stange reminders I suppose

    Of where we're from and who we are

    But as the boat pulled off shore

    I could see the fog was lifting

    And lights I'd never seen before

    Were shining down on Ellis Island

    Shining down on Ellis Island.

       MARC COHN, 'Burning the dare' 1998



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    1. The scene takes place in

    2. The scene takes place in

    3. The singer is speaking about

    4. Ellis Island is a place where the immigrants were

    5. For the immigrants America is

    6. When they arrived the immigrants were

    7. In Ellis island they haven't time to

    8. Strange paradise means that

    9. they are all sad because

    10. the condition of travel were

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Comprehension
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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