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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #42493: Adjectives order

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    Adjectives order

    Sometimes we use two or more adjectives together :

    - My parents live in a nice new house

    - A dirty old black cat is wandering the streets



        Adjectives like nice and dirty are opinion adjectives.They tell us what you think about somebody or something.

        Opinion adjectives usually go before fact adjectives



          Adjectives like new, old, black are fact adjectives. They give us factual information about, age and colour.

          Sometimes we use two or more fact adjectives. Very often, we put fact adjectives in this order :


    1  /   SIZE  :       How big ?         Large, small, tiny, enormous

    2 /     AGE   :      How old ?           New, young, old, ancient

    3 /    SHAPE :    What shape ?     Square, round, rectangular, flat

    4 / COLOUR :    What colour ?      Blue, pink, yellow, crimson

    5 /  ORIGIN :    Where from ?      English, American, Chinese,French

    6 / MATERIAL: What it is made of ?    Plastic, cardboard, glass, wooden

    7 / PURPOSE : What it  is used for ?    Racing car, frying pan, rocking chair 



    -  An interesting (opinion ) old (2)  book

    -  An ugly (opinion) pink (4 ) plastic (6) ornament 

    -  A nice (opinion) small (1) African (5) drum

    -  A delicious (opinion) round (3) chocolate (6) cake

    -  A pair of smart( opinion) brown  (4) leather (6) boots

    -  A beautiful (opinion) small (1) white (4) Chinese (5 ) computer

    -  A nice (opinion) big (1) old (2) square (3) white (4) French (5) china (6) plate *

     *  This last example comes from the BBC site, but we do not usually put more than three adjectives together !


      When there are two colour adjectives, we use and :

    -  A big green and yellow hat

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    1. At home there is a table in the dining room.

    2. I was offered ring by my husband.

    3. My grandmother has knitted pullover for me.

    4. I saw movie with friends at home.

    5. It may rain ! There are clouds floating in the air.

    6. It was such day that we decided to go out for a walk.

    7. My daughter has hair.

    8. Last week, I visited village in a remote place.

    9. The gallery exhibited mainly paintings.

    10. John was given kitten by his sister.

    11. It started to rain so I opened umbrella.

    12. I came into a house built in 1860.

    13. A was parked opposite my house.

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