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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #42886: Abbreviations

    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Abbreviations and acronyms... [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Abreviations - Initials / Abbreviations / Acronyms 1 - SMS language: abbreviations and acronyms - Initials / Acronyms 8 - Acronyms V - Abbreviations - Reduced forms - Job search and common abbreviations (US)
    > Double-click on words you don't understand




     Great Britain is composed of three countries: England, Scotland and Wales.


     United Kingdom . It's the union of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 


      the European Union                          



    the United  States of America         
    Born in the USA"  (song by Bruce Springsteen)


       British Broadcasting Corporation           


       world wide web  



       Federal  Bureau of Investigation   (Washington D.C. , district of Columbia)



        Short  Message  Service    



        Frequently Asked  Questions


       Unidentified Flying Object   

       (flying saucers)    (2002)


    North Atlantic Treaty Organization




     The Taj-Mahal has been included on unesco's world heritage list    

        United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund


        Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation



      International Criminal Police Organization

    It's the world's largest international police organization with 192 member countries.  


      International Network :   internet est un réseau informatique mondial  

    And also...

        AM (ante meridiem): before noon      Every morning I get up at 7 am

        PM (post meridiem): after noon         I leave my office at 5 pm

        Augustus was the first emperor of the Roman Empire : he ruled from 27  BC ( before Christ)

        until his death in 14 AD (anno domini)

        In 1948 M. Cerdan became a world champion, he beat Tony Zale by a KO (Knock Out)


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    English exercise "Abbreviations" created by lili73 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from lili73]
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    The is a community of 28 member states established in 1992 by the Maastricht Treaty.

    It works for children's rights, their survival, development and protection:

    is a means of sending messages of up to 160 characters (including spaces), so abbreviations are often used.
    Do you understand 'T2UL' and '2B or N2B' ?

    It's a constitutional monarchy composed of four countries

     My friend Susie has had surgery on her eye.

    is a set of symptoms and infections caused by the HIV virus.

    The secret agent James Bond works for the .

    is an organisation faciliting international police cooperation.

    (the official NATO flag) What does 'NATO' stand for?

    Bob, look at the sky! Is that a cloud or ?

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