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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #47481: Article 'the' / nothing

    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Articles [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - A/an - 'The' or nothing? - Countable nouns with a/an and some - Article The and geography - THE or NOTHING? - Article A or AN - Articles a-an-the-Ø - A/An-how to use
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    Article 'the' / nothing

    Article 'the' or "zero article":

    The article 'the' is used for something very specific for the person who is speaking and the person who is hearing:

    Here's the novel I've bought. 
    (Have a look! I'm showing it to you!)

    The cat is on the roof.
    (Our roof.)

    Kim said that he would bring the money. 
    (The money he should have given to us.)


    There is no article (zero article):

    a) before abstract nouns, likes and dislikes, general things:

    Truth is the highest good. 

    I like animals

    Cats are often smaller than dogs. 

    Wendy likes apple juice and she hates milk. 

    b) before the days of the week and dates:

    On Wednesdays theatres are closed. 

    I was born on
     July 10th, 1978. 

    c) before countries, cities, areas:

    Algeria is situated in North Africa.

    Annaba is larger than Guelma.
    (La ville d')Annaba est plus grande que (celle de) Guelma.

    d) before titles and jobs:

    President Peter Y. completed two terms.

    She met Doctor
     John B.

    Choose 'the' or nothing (-).

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    English exercise "Article 'the' / nothing" created by matrixhamdi with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from matrixhamdi]
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    1. I have just seen latest movie by James Cameron.

    2. freedom is the best thing on Earth.

    3. Prince Charles will be a good King.

    4. boy sitting there is called Andrew.

    5. I really like President John M.

    6. I don't like vegetables.

    7. On Sundays, I sleep all day long.

    8. house we have just visited is the most beautiful.

    9. life is so wonderful!

    10. England is a very nice country!

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Article 'the' / nothing
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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