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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #48546: Desert : Sahara

    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Countries and nationalities [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Geography-Vocabulary - Nationalities - Foreign-foreigner-strange-stranger - Population growth - Countries - Atacama Desert, Chile - Global warming in the Arctic - Himalayas, India: valley of flowers
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    Desert : Sahara

      'The Great Desert' (The Sahara)

    The desert or The Sahara also known as  'The Great Desert' is home to number of people. It covers huge parts of many African countries. The Sahara landform and climate is shaped by winds and  occasional rains,very hot during the day and very cold at night. The Sahara includes:

    - Sand dunes:Dunes                      

    - Sand seas:   Un Erg                        

    - Stone plateaus:Plateaux en pierre

    - Gravel plains:Plaines de gravier    

    - Dry valleys:Vallées sèches             

    - Oasis: L'Oasis  

    There are many African countries that are either fully or partially covered by the Sahara:

    - Algeria: L'Algérie             -Morocco: Le Maroc                

    - Libya: Libye                   - Mauritania:La Mauritanie        

    - Egypt:L'Egypte              - Mali:Le Mali                              

    - Niger: Le Niger            - Sudan: Le Soudan                     

    - Tunisia:La Tunisie - Western Sahara:Le Sahara Occidental

    - Chad: Le Tchad     

    The Sahara contains over than one hundred different people groups. Among these groups  'The Tuareg people'  are also referred to us as 'Blue Men of the desert' because their robes are dyed indigo blue. They live in tribes and  are famous for their fighting abilities and art work.

    - The Tuareg people:Le peuple(Les gens) Tuareg               

    - The Blue Man of the desert:L'homme Bleu du désert   

    The Sahara climate is very harsh and animals  that live there had to adapt themselves to it. Most of the animals spend the whole day underground and out of the hot sun. Other animals only come out at night to eat and hunt. Some other animals never drink, but get their water from seeds.

    - The Camel: Le Chameau    -The striped hyena:L'hyène rayée                    

    - The Jackal:Le Chacal          - The Desert snake:Le serpent du Désert        

    - the African hedgehog:Le hérisson africain     - The gazelle:La gazelle  

    - The Fennec Fox:Le Renard Fennec    - The Sand Cat: Le Chat du Désert    

    - The Jerboa:La Gerboise                    - The Gerbil:La Gerbille                        


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    English exercise "Desert : Sahara" created by matrixhamdi with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from matrixhamdi]
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    1. The Sahara covers many parts of The European continent.

    2. The Sahara climate is characterized by winds and occasional rains,

    3. The Sahara climate is very cold during the day and very hot at night.

    4. The whole African countries are covered by The Sahara.

    5. Algeria is fully covered by The Sahara.

    6. Morocco is partially covered by The Sahara.

    7. Egypt is fully covered by The Sahara.

    8. The Tuareg tribes are very famous for their fighting abilities and art work.

    9. The Tuareg people are also referred to us: ' Black Men of the desert'.

    10. There are only few people that live in the Sahara.

    11. No animal can suppport the harsh climate of The Sahara.

    12. All animals that live in The Sahara spend their whole lives underground, and out of the hot sun.

    13. The Camels get their water from seeds.

    14. A lot of animals that live in The Sahara only come at night to eat and hunt.

    15. Snakes only live in The Sahara.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Desert : Sahara
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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