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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #49486: Roses and colours

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    Roses and colours


    Roses and colours



    We have many people around us in  life; some of them are friends, companions, classmates, or colleagues. And in many occasions we need to express our love, respect, interest towards them, or to wish them good luck or success. We can send a rose to a friend to thank him, but it's very important to choose the colour of this rose, because  colours  have lots of meanings.


    Red rose: Rose rouge signifie l'amour et le respect.

    Pink rose: Rose rose signifie la grâce et la joie, aussi la gentillesse.

    White rose: Rose blanche signifie l'innocence.

    Blue rose: Rose bleue pour souhaiter bonne chance ou un merci pour aide, conseils etc.

    Yellow rose: Rose jaune signifie l'amitié et parfois aussi la jalousie.

    Orange rose: Rose orange signifie la beauté et  l'élégance.



    Choose the right colour of  the rose 




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    English exercise "Roses and colours" created by matrixhamdi with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from matrixhamdi]
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    1. William gave to his wife to express his love and respect.

    2. George gives to his girlfriend to express that she is beautiful and elegant.

    3. Ann gives to John to express that he is so kind and they are joyful together.

    4. Peter gives to Wendy to wish her good luck in her examination.

    5. I give you to express that you are a white-hearted and innocent person.

    6. I give you to express that we are really good friends.

    7. I give you to thank you for your good advice.

    8. Bryan loves his mother very much; he is going to give her on Mother's Day.

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    A free English exercise to learn English.
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