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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #5148: Adjectives - ing and ed

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    Adjectives - ing and ed

    Adjectives ending in' ing 'and 'ed' 


     A/ Somebody is bored if something (or somebody else) is boring. Or, if something is boring, it makes you bored. So:

    Tracy is bored because her job is boring.

    Tracy's job is boring, so Tracy is bored, (not 'Tracy is boring')   


    If a person is boring, this means that they make other people bored:


    Charles always talks about the same things. He's really boring.

     B/ Compare adjectives ending in -ing and ed

    You can say:

    My job is boring, interesting/ tiring/ satisfying/ depressing, (etc.)

    The -ing adjective tells you about the job.


    Compare these examples:


    Jenny thinks politics is very interesting.

    Did you meet anyone interesting at the party?



    It was quite surprising that he passed the examination.


    Disappointing :

    The film was disappointing. I expected it to be much better



    The news was shocking.  


    You can say:

    I'm bored with my job.

    I'm not interested in my job any more

    I'm always tired when I finish work.

    I'm not satisfied with my job.

    My job makes me depressed, (etc.)


    The -ed adjective tells you how somebody feels (about the job).



    Jenny is very interested in politics, (not interesting in politics')

    Are you interested in buying a car? I'm trying to sell mine.



    Everybody was surprised that he passed the examination.



    I was disappointed with the film. I expected it to be much better.



    We were very shocked when we heard the news.


    Choose the correct word:


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    English exercise "Adjectives - ing and ed" created by felin with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from felin]
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    1. The instructions in the exam were very complicated and left the students feeling totally .

    2. I don't think that horror films are - in fact, I find them quite funny.

    3. Would you be in coming to the theatre this evening? I have a spare ticket.

    4. Can't you fix that dripping tap? It's getting on my nerves - it's really .

    5. I didn't expect to see Peter at the party. I was really to see him there.

    6. He's had a lot of bad news recently and is feeling a bit . Let's go and cheer him up.

    7. I find it to lie on the sofa and listen to music after a hard day's work.

    8. I was told the film was really good but I felt utterly by it.

    9. I get really when people throw rubbish down in the streets. It makes me furious.

    10. If I said anything as stupid as he did in front of a thousand people, I'd feel really .

    11. The kitchen hadn't been cleaned for ages. It was really .

    12. I'm starting a new job next week. I'm quite about it

    13. The lecture was . I fell asleep.

    14. It's sometimes when you have to ask people for money.

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    A free English exercise to learn English.
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