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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #52007: Prepositions of time

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    Prepositions of time

    Prepositions of time

    Nine o'clock

    Ten o'clock

    Ten minutes

    Half an hour

    Monday, June 10th

    June 10th, 2008
















    First World War

    Economic crisis




    New Year



    A date

    A day

                    Classes will begin       on             Monday.



    A period of time

     Peter usually  wakes up early in              the morning.



    I will call you back     in                    ten minutes     from now.


    May be he is busy now, but he will call him back after 10 minutes.

    A year

    The American continent was discovered  in             1492.  




     I should be there                         by             nine o'clock.


    This boy should be there before 9 o'clock.

    A season

     I will visit you                      by   the end of the summer.




         I must be there                         before           nine o'clock.


    He must not be there after 9.00

    A date

     Peter will be here            before            the tenth of July.


    We are not sure about the exact date but, he will be there only before, not after...

    A period of time

         If you take this bus you will arrive before          midnight


    There are many buses, but if he takes another bus he will probably arrive after midnight.


         I'll visit my grandmother          before       her  birthday.




         The director always comes            after           nine o'clock.


    Here, it's impossible to find the director before 9 o'clock....

    A period of time

                  Elizabeth will join us               after                   lunch


    A date

    Wendy and her husband will travel to France after     May 7th.


    We are not sure about the exact date but they won't travel before...


         My family  moved from France to England after    The First World War.     


    Before the war they were living in France but after they  lived in England.


    A period of time

      I have been studying English  for     five years.




       Henry was serving as an ambulance driver  during The First World War.    


    A season

     We always go to the beach  during  summer holidays.


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    English exercise "Prepositions of time" created by matrixhamdi with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from matrixhamdi]
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    Peter, would you like to come  fordinner  Tuesday?

    Yes sure! But I willhave to leave  ten o'clock.

    because I havegot to get up early  Wednesday morning.

    That's all right! I don't like staying up long, I'll go to  bed  midnight.

    As you know, I'm on holiday, and I always help my father  the summer.

    That's great! Anyway, we will stay together  two hours.

    Peter, my mother needs phoning, I'll call you back  15 minutes.

    Oh, it's Ok, I'm going out to the market lunch.

    So, please, don't forget! You must be here  8 o'clock PM.

    Right! I will take my brother's car, I'll be there  two hours and a half. Goodbye.

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