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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #52500: At the hospital

    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Diseases [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Health problems - Idioms; human body - Vocabulary: I'm hungry - Vocabulary: Emergency-First aid... - Vocabulary, The sun: a friend or an enemy - Vocabulary: vegetables are good for you - Vocabulary: we’re freezing! - Vocabulary: it's hot!
    > Double-click on words you don't understand

    At the hospital

    Visiting the hospital

    Hello! My name is Geoffrey and I'm

    A medical student

    Good morning! I'm William,

    and I'm

    A Doctor 

    Hello! It's me Bryan ,


    A Dentist

    Hello! My name is Michael and


    A Surgeon

    Hello friends! I'm Catherine.


    A Nurse

    Hello! My name is Alfred and I'm

    A Cardiologist

    Good morning! I'm Steven,


    A Radiologist

    I'm Jimmy, and  


    An Anesthesiologist

    I'm really so busy! Well, it's me John and I'm

    A lung specialist

    Hello! I love  kids,


    A paediatrician

    The doctor is examining Wendy


    James needs to stay overnight  at the hospital


    The surgeon works in

    an operating theater

    The doctor is giving some advice to  his patient.


    This dentist is pulling out a tooth


    Martin is seriously injured

    Adam is suffering from fever

    Monica  is pregnant

    Thomas is infected by the flu

    Mark  has a terrible headache

    A stethoscopeA thermometer A syringe A medicine

    First aid kit

    The heartThe lungsThe ambulanceA microscopeAn I.V. bottle

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    English exercise "At the hospital" created by matrixhamdi with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from matrixhamdi]
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     A children's doctor is called .

    If you have a headache and feel hot, you need to see .

    It's better to visit  to get your teeth whitened.

    Alfred is not able to move his legs, you must call for

    While you're at hospital, will take care of you.

    is a doctor who is an expert in a precise field of medical problems.

    If you have asthma you should see

    : some blood is taken from your arm and will be analysed in a laboratory.

    You need to go to  only if you are seriously injured.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: At the hospital
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topic : Diseases | All our lessons and exercises