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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #5292: Direct and indirect form
    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Direct/Indirect speech [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Interrogative clauses - Direct and Indirect Interrogative forms ... - Difficulties in Reported Speech - Direct or indirect interrogative clauses - How and What ... like - Direct or Indirect Clauses - Reported speech - Reported speech and present continuous
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    Direct and indirect form

    Write the end of the sentences in the indirect form.

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    English exercise "Direct and indirect form" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. John: " Where does Paul live ? " ==» John wondered .

    2. Liz: " Does John have eggs for breakfast ? ==» Liz wondered if .

    3. The campers: " Mrs Taylor, can we spend the evening in town ?" ==» The campers asked

    4. Wilma: " Deb isn't fun to be with ".==» Wilma said

    5. Jack: " I wonder why Walter always wears a cap ". ==» Jack wondered .

    6. Deb: " Wilma, you really are a nice roommate ". ==» Deb told

    7. Mrs Taylor: " Where is my wallet ?" ==» Mrs Taylor wondered .

    8. Deb to Walter: " My father owns a pub in Scotland ".==» Deb told

    9. Liz to Jack: " Will you marry me ? "==» Liz asked .

    10. Liz to Paul: " Do you like going to the swimming pool ?" ==» Liz asked .

    11. Wilma: " Why is Deb always in a bad mood ?"==» Wilma wondered .

    12. Paul to Walter: " Are you glad to be in England ? " ==» Paul asked .

    13. Liz: " My brother's got a Ferrari " ==» Liz said

    14. Jack to Liz: "You can come and stay in my flat ". ==» Jack told

    15. Paul: " How long does Liz swim for ?" ==» Paul wondered .

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Direct and indirect form
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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