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Passive form
Passive form
When you want to use the passive form you have to transform the active form into a sentence in which the subject becomes a complement. It is possible with transitive verbs only.
Example : Amy buys a car -- > A car is bought by Amy.
The verb in the passive form is used with the auxiliary verb To be and the past participle.
Amy buys ( active form in present simple )------> A car is bought ( passive form in present simple)
Examples: Amy will buy ---- > A car will be bought
Amy bought ------>A car was bought.
Amy has bought -----> A car has been bought.
Amy is buying -----> A car is being bought
Amy can buy---------> A car can be bought
Amy has to buy ------> A car has to be bought .
The verb in the passive form is often followed with the preposition BY when the agent is precise.If it is not the case, don't mention the agent.
The words such as anyone, someone, somebody, anybody, nobody, everyone, no one are not necessary.
Exercise : complete the sentences in the passive form.Mind their meaning. Don't write the agent.
English exercise "Passive form" created by lucile83 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from lucile83]
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