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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #5971: The particle ON for the verbs from A to G
    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Particles [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Verbs + up /down - Phrasal verbs - Get and particles - Hear/ hear about/ her from/ hear of - Take, Look, Get + particles - Up and Down - Phrasal verbs: to GET - A few phrasal verbs
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    The particle ON for the verbs from A to G

    I give you the particle 'ON', you have to find the good verb in order to complete these sentences.

    The translation in French is given in the results page.

    Be careful a verb can be used several times.

    Of course the verbs are conjugated in these sentences, Later you'll remember them at the infinitive form.


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    English exercise "The particle ON for the verbs from A to G" created by bridg with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from bridg]
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    1. Why didn't you on his warning?

    2. He on his students to stop talking.

    3. I didn't on meeting him here.

    4. You can't on.

    5. No, on ahead please!

    6. Not all men on their wives and vice-versa.

    7. He's on a bit.

    8. Don't forget that in US about 10% city tax is on.

    9. The evening on without any hope of a solution.

    10. He'll on eventually.

    11. How did you on?

    12. We must try to on.

    13. Our trip will on the weather.

    14. It's hight time we on a date for the wedding.

    15. They you. I wonder what it takes to earn their trust.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: The particle ON for the verbs from A to G
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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