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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #65922: Driving a car

    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Cars [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - My car - Vocabulary: renting a car abroad - Vocabulary: let's drive carefully... - Highway Code - Road Safety Measures - On the road - Traffic and streets - Car words
    > Double-click on words you don't understand

    Driving a car












    To start (the car)

    To drive

    To accelerate  

    To speed up









    To brake

    To slow down

    To stop

    To park












    To change gear   

    To change down

    To change up

    (Passe en seconde!)

    To be into neutral

    To sound /

    To hoot (one's horn)












    To overtake   

    To do a U turn

    To reverse / to back up

    To give way

    To have (the) right of way












    To switch on /off one's light

    To flash one's headlights

    To flash one's headlights on full beam

    To turn the indicator on

    -Indicate a left/right turn

    - indicate left/right












    To puncture

    To change a wheel

    To break down

    To run out of petrol (of gas)

    To fill up












    To keep the speed limit

    To break the speed limit

    To jump (to go through / to run) a red light

    To ignore (to go through) a stop sign

    To commit an offence


    Useful phrases 


    Let's hit the road!

    All aboard!

    Where are my ignition keys?

    It's a (x hours) drive to (city).

    It's a long drive (way) from here to (city).

    It's a short drive (way) from here to (city).

    I drove back.

    I'll drive on.

    To drive to (work)

    I went by way of (city).

    I didn't stop in (city), just drove by.

    I had to ask my way.

    You lead the way and I'll follow!

    Make way for these cars!

    We'll stop on the way for a quick lunch.

    To make a left / right turn = To turn left / right

    To go straight on

    I had to turn back.

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    English exercise "Driving a car" created by bridg with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from bridg]
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    1. If you had listened to me, we wouldn't have .

    2. I can't believe he's going !

    3. Mind , there's an automatic radar.

    4. He failed to get his licence, he a red light.

    5. You if you phone while driving.

    6. Look, here are my friends! !

    7. I don't like visiting him, I can't there!

    8. How will I manage now?

    9. at the next crossroads.

    10. I got completely lost, I had .

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Driving a car
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topic : Cars | All our lessons and exercises