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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #65982: Camping - Vocabulary

    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Journeys [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - At the station-Taking the train - Vocabulary: let's stay in a hotel - Dialogue : At the customs - Vocabulary: Holiday - Plane and flight - Vocabulary: fly away... - Holidays vocabulary - Means of transportation
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    Camping - Vocabulary






    A camper

    To camp

    A  space

    To pitch the tent

    To take down the tent







    Caravan site

    To go caravanning / camping

    To sleep out in the open






    A caravan

    A mobile home

    A chalet

    A camper van (US) / a motor caravan






    A tent

    The fly sheet

    The ground sheet

    The  rope (+ guy ropes)





    The pegs

    The mallet

    The air bed

    The sleeping bag






    A back-pack

    The torch / the flashlight

    The camping stove / stove

    The gas canister





    An air pump

    A  billy (can)

    The penknife

    Matchsticks / Matches





    A camera

    The campfire

    The toilet block

    The showers


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    English exercise "Camping - Vocabulary" created by bridg with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from bridg]
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    I'd like a for a caravan for two weeks please.

    We were walking in the forest, trying to find our way and the best space .

    When we arrived at the we had to erect the and secure it by using and .

    In the evening it was very cold and dark so we used to look for wood to make a .

    We had to cook food on a which we lit with .

    When the weather is hot we in our .

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Camping - Vocabulary
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topic : Journeys | All our lessons and exercises