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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #70259: Words confused
    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Frequent mistakes [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Placement test beginners: Check your spelling - Past simple or present perfect - Although / in spite of / despite - Differences between Like and As - Again/ back - FOR and its use - Do or Make? - Do-don't-does-doesn't
    > Double-click on words you don't understand

    Words confused

    Choose the right word.

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    English exercise "Words confused" created by sreedhar with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from sreedhar]
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    1. My poor friend badly needs some financial assistance. He is unfortunately .

    2. Though right now very rich this young fellow is bound to become penniless soon. He is so
    you see-he spends money like water.

    3. This place is plagued by rains.

    4. Romeo pledged to Juliet his love for her,forgetting that nothing is permanent in this world of ours.

    5. Sachin Tendulkar's achievements in the world of sports are truly .

    6. We were all when our common friend said that he awoke at four that morning for he was no early riser.

    7. Abraham Lincoln was by all means an leader of men and a true humanitarian as well.

    8. What with Global Warming and other problems that mankind is facing our destruction seems .

    9. He is so in nature that success is bound to be his.

    10. An worker is one who is employed by some manufacturing industry or the other.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Words confused
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topic : Frequent mistakes | All our lessons and exercises