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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #7378: Genitive case

    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Genitive [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Possessive case - Possessive or genitive Case - Personal pronouns, possessives - Possessive adjectives and pronouns. - Possessive case - Back to the possessive case - Whose and use - Possessive idioms
    > Double-click on words you don't understand

    Genitive case

    I) Main uses:

    ➡️ Saying that the dress belongs to Mary:

     Mary's dress.

          ➡️  You can add adjectives:

    The young girl's  beautiful dress.

    ➡️  's is used for human beings:

    Patrick's foot.

    The leg of the chair.

    ➡️ 2 possessors:

     Peter and Anna's children.

    (Peter and Anna are both the parents of these children.)

    Peter's and Anna's children.

    (Peter has children and Anna has other children)

    ➡️  Plural:

     My sisters' room

    Irregular plural forms:

    The children's bedroom

    The women's purse


    Can also be used for:

    ➡️   time or distance:

    Two weeks' delay.

     A five kilometres' walk.

     Tomorrow's meeting

    ➡️ Geography:

    France's history.

     London's monuments.

    The government's policy.

    ➡️  Groups:

    The company's policy

    In everyone's interest

    Often with these words:

    Brother – pilot – horse – everyone –each other - team – company …

    ➡️  With a name:

    'Whose coat is this?' 'It's Lucile's'


    II) General views:

    A man's job

    A master's degree

    A dog's life 



    This isn't your book, this is Luc's.

    ➡️ Often omitted: shop, house, church, cathedral, school, hospital

    He's going to Saint John's.

    ➡️ For homes:

     Betty went to Peter's. (Peter's house)





     For peace
    's sake

    At arm's length
     At stone's throw

    Out of harm's way

     To one's heart
    's content

    Build these sentences:

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Genitive case
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