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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #7485: Dialogue : A postcard from Cádiz

    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Writing a letter | Bilingual dialogues [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Writing a formal letter - Dialogue : Postcard from Florida - Postcard : Thanks for this journey. - SMS language: abbreviations and acronyms - Resume and cover letter-Vocabulary - Writing letters - Booking a table - Letter of introduction
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    Dialogue : A postcard from Cádiz

    Read this postcad and answer the questions.

    Thanks to babyscot59

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    English exercise "Dialogue : A postcard from Cádiz" created by bridg with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from bridg]
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    1. At the time of Emy 's writing, we learn that settled in the house:

    2. According to Emy, David and his girlfriend have a project: which one?

    3. Is the house in the countryside ?

    4. When will Lucy arrive ?

    5. Why will she arrive later on? Because:

    6. Where does Linda live ?

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Dialogue : A postcard from Cádiz
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Writing a letter | Bilingual dialogues | All our lessons and exercises