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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #8013: About a text

    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Newspaper [Change theme]
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    About a text

    This is an extract from the Anglaisfacile daily news, article written by Siobhan Micmac, special reporter:


            “ An increasing number of students have a part-time job. The figures were quite low in the 70's with about 10% of the students. The proportion has constantly increased in the last 10 years. How can this be explained? Actually there are many explanations:


            First, the situation of the parents makes it really hard to cope with the needs of their children who have become adults and have adult needs. Most of the time, the eldest of the family is led to leave since the parents cannot pay for university fees, clothes or mobile phone credits. Laura says: ' When I decided to study Medicine, my parents told me that they had no savings to help me.  I decided to become responsible for my own savings by taking a part-time job during the weekend. Since then the pressure on their shoulders has decreased and I feel really proud of it despite the difficulties to work and study”


            Second, Studies last much longer than before. A student entering University will not leave it before at least 5 years, in the case he is successful in his studies. Most of them have passed 22 when passing their BA. Young adults have a natural will to live on their own in their student flat totally freed from their parents' authority. Yet Grants are not sufficient to guarantee a good standard of living ( considering that those students have an access to grants).

    Consequently it becomes necessary to find a job to add a little to the kitty. David declares: “ My parents were too strict at home , I couldn't do what I wanted. I had to respect too many rules. One day, I said I had enough and became responsible for myself. Now I can hang around with my mates and organize my life the way I want it.”


            Here are the main reasons, of course there are other cases which can be more tragic but what about the consequences?

            First Students are much stressed than before. Now they have to study about 25 hours a week, prepare their lectures and all their Essays and different homework. Then once it is done, they must get ready for a second day at work in fast-food , in warehouses where working conditions are really hard. The struggle for efficiency puts a heavy pressure on them. They feel blue, can resort to alcohol or other illegal substances. Mike says: “ I work from 5 p.m to 10p.m , I go to bed at 1a.m once I have done my homework and I have to get up at 7 a.m to attend the lectures. Sometimes I wish I could stop it all and focus only on my studies. Unfortunately I cannot.”


            Then, this job gives a lot of responsibilities to those young adults , despite the difficulties. They are well aware of the hardship to find a job and of the economical context so despite the apparent tension, they are also aware of the fact that they are privileged because they gain their totally independence from their parents and know but well that life needs sacrifices and rigour.


            Another fact that shall be underlined is that those jobs despite the apparent precariousness are really opportunities to enter the job market. New student jobs are created to match the skills of the students and meet the range of their subjects especially in banks for example. Other possibilities are offered to students in their curricula especially with practices that can lead to part-time or full-time jobs”

    Exercise: choose the right answer.

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    1. The general subject of the article is :

    2. Laura's parents have studied Medicine

    3. What is a Grant?

    4. Many students like David enjoy living with their parents

    5. A student works at least 25hours a week

    6. What is the main problem when combining studies and work?

    7. What is yet the main feeling those students experience about this situation?

    8. David works from 5p.m to 10p.m

    9. What is the evolution the new part-time jobs are experiencing?

    10. To conclude, what is the mood of the article?

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