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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #82318: Sports, games and activities

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    > Similar tests: - Football-Vocabulary - Ski-Vocabulary - Sports- Vocabulary - Sports - Vocabulary: winning or losing - Vocabulary: let's go skiing! - Vocabulary: what about a little game of tennis... - Summer Olympics
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    Sports, games and activities


    Erratum: John AND his brother... (3'04'')

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      fruit machine

    with a shuttlecock: to play badminton
    with a puck: to play ice hockey
    to play frisbee
    with a stone: to play curling

                to play roulette, to play fruit machine, to play Russian roulette

                                                                                                        Go   + -ing
    swimming, climbing, sailing.... shopping.

      Do you scuba dive? Yes I often go scuba diving.
      How do you skateboard when it is very cold? When it is cold I don't go skateboarding.
     My brother golfs every Sunday afternoon.  He goes golfing with his friends. They play golf when the weather is fine.


                                                                   Horseball   ( to play horseball)

      six-handled ball 
    et    pitch

    This team sport is played on horseback. (6 players per team, 4 on
    the play and 2 reserves).
    To score a goal you must shoot the ball through a high basket or a ring.
    This sport originated in Argentina. Early games used a duck
    instead of a ball.

                                                         Bungee jumping  ( to go bungee jumping)
    bungee cord 
    bungee jumping 
    safety harness 

    If you haven't seen the crocodile
    watch the video again.

    People from the Pentecoste Islands
    have been bungee jumping using vines
    and bamboo platforms for thousands of years.

                                                                            Archery   ( to do archery)
     bow sight  
     to aim  


                                                                      Croquet  (to play croquet)
     wooden balls
     mallet  wickets  croquet stake 

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    English exercise "Sports, games and activities" created by lili73 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from lili73]
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    1.  Choisir le verbe qui convient.
          Choose the right verb.
     My daughters   horse riding twice a week.           
       chess is a good mental exercise.
     I   crossword puzzles in my free time.
     Are you   skiing this winter?
     Did you   basketball when you were at school?
     Why   yoga? The answer is that it makes you feel better.
     To stay in shape Sonia   jogging every morning, she   tennis on Sundays and she also   aerobics.

    2.     Choisir le nom qui convient.
           Choose the right word.
    In 2011 Roger Federer won the tennis  in Doha, Qatar.

    Football is a very popular sport. It is played between two .

    The  whistles  when a player is in an offside position.

     To play croquet you hit a wooden ball with a ..

    The ball must go through a .

    Archery is the art of propelling arrows by using a  .

    The arrows are kept in a .


    To practise bungee-jumping you jump from a tall structure.

    The thrill comes from the and from the rebounds.

    You need to wear a helmet and a .

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