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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #84095: Intensifiers (adjectives)
    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Adjectives [Change theme]
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    Intensifiers (adjectives)

    The function of the intensifier is exactly what the term implies, it makes the adjective more intense or extreme. The use of these intensifiers is idiomatic and should therefore be learnt by heart.

    Example: Michael is bone idle. He gets up at 11.00, refuses to do any housework and hangs around the house doing nothing!

    The word bone collocates with the adjective idle to express the idea that Michael is extremely lazy.

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    English exercise "Intensifiers (adjectives)" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. Instead of putting her pyjamas on, the little girl started jumping on the bed naked.

    2. Look mum, my teeth are clean. Can I have a bedtime story now?

    3. After a few days of torrential rains and gale force winds, it was calm in the Bay Area.

    4. It rained heavily during the night, so when we took down our sheets from the clothesline, they were wet.

    5. Careful with those knives when you spread butter on your toast. They're sharp.

    6. It was black inside the cave. We had a torch, but we could hardly make out what we had in front of us.

    7. Last night I heard the neighbours having a massive argument through the thin walls.

    8. He couldn't get to sleep so he just lay awake in bed, thinking about the day's events.

    9. At the party, Thomas was standing in a corner with a glass of orange juice in his hand, sober, looking at us disapprovingly.

    10. Those scones can't have been baked today. They're hard.

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    A free English exercise to learn English.
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