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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #84910: Queen Bumblebees
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    Queen Bumblebees

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    English exercise "Queen Bumblebees" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    Bumblebees have particularly large and bodies and flight for them can be a effort. That's particularly so in the when the mornings are cold and queen bumblebees are just emerging from their winter . It's only a few degrees freezing but a queen needs to get started to look for food. The thick furry hairs on her body help to conserve what she manages to generate. At the , she's only a few degrees warmer than the surrounding vegetation as a thermal camera clearly . Her body is only marginally more than the blue leaves and around her but she has a special way of warming up for . She can put her wings out of gear so that, without moving them, she can rev up the wing muscles inside and that the temperature within her thorax by degrees centigrade or even more as the expanding image on the thermal camera indicates. Her body temperature is now over degrees centigrade. At last, she has a chance of . She will now be able to visit the spring while it's still too cold for others to do so. The long of the daffodils retain heat very well and they're still warm even after their hot-bodied have left.

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