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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #85352: Personal pronouns

    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Pronouns [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Questions : how to ask them - Object pronouns - Reflexive pronouns - Relative pronoun That - Each or Every - Personal pronouns, possessives - Possessive adjectives and pronouns. - Who-What-Which
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    Personal pronouns

    Personal subject pronouns

    The pronouns that are used as subjects are   I he she we they you  it.

          Example  -He is my friend ('he' is the subject of the verb is).

    Personal object pronouns

    The pronouns that are used as objects of verbs or prepositions are  me him her us them you  it.

          Examples   -I love her ('her' is the object of the verb love).

                           -She sat beside me ('me' is the object of the preposition beside).

    Note  1 'You' and 'it' do not change.

             2 'They' and 'them' : if the gender is not known, use 'they' and 'them'.

                 Examples  -Have you seen a doctor? They can help you.

                              -If anyone comes in before I get back, ask them to wait.

             3  'I' or 'me'?

                  Examples  -Mary and I are meeting in Dublin in July.

                                 (Why not Mary and me? Because 'I' is part of the subject of the sentence).

                                -They gave a present to me.

                                 (Why not I? Because 'me' is the object of the preposition 'to').

    Exercise: Choose the correct word.

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    English exercise "Personal pronouns" created by irish21 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from irish21]
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    1. I can't find my ticket. I think I must have lost .

    2. My grandparents live in Dublin. They often come and see .

    3. Where is Jenny? Have you seen today?

    4. I saw them at the restaurant. were having lunch.

    5. Both my sister and would love to visit New York one day.

    6. I don't think the shop is open. usually closes at 6.00.

    7. I have to go. If anyone phones, please tell I'm out.

    8. Neither my sister nor have been to New York.

    9. Can you remind to buy some tea when we go out?

    10. Paul is on holiday. I received a letter from yesterday.

    11. Jenny, there's someone on the phone for you! 'What do want?'

    12. He and I were right, but no one believed .

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