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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #85884: Imperative

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    The imperative

     Most of us have noticed that when we were pupils or even students, our teachers used a certain number of phrases or sentences in order to give orders, warnings, or some advice: 'Stop talking', 'Open your books' ' Be quiet' ' Revise your lessons'  and so on!
    The form which has been used by our teachers is called 'The imperative form'.

    The form: To form the imperative, we usually use the base form of the verb without 'To'. Example: Go, Open, Close etc. Also, It's very important to notice that the command is given to you (Either singular or plural). The base form of the verb is preceded by 'Let' in the first and third person commands, and followed by: me, it,him, her, us, them.



    -Close that window, please.

    The command is given to one  person (Male or female).


    Get out of here!

    This command is given to two or a group of people (Three or more people)


    Let's (us) go and have some fun!

    We can also say: Let me/it/him/her/us/them go.....

          Affirmative form            

             Base form of the verb + Object
    Open the door.

    Let+ me/it/him/her/us/them+Base form of the verbLet me go to Peter's party, please!


    Negative form

    Do + Not + Base form of the verb + ObjectDo not (don't) smoke in public places like hospitals.

    Let+ me/it/him/her/us/them+Not+Base form of the verbLet's (us)  not make noise!



    We can also use: Don't (do not)+ Let+me/it/him/her/us/them+Base form of the verbDon't let him go out tonight!

    Using the imperative form: The imperative can be used to give direct orders, warnings, instructions, advice, requests, invitations, and also to make suggestions.

    Sentences with the imperative

    The meaning


    - Come tonight to celebrate Peter's 18th birthday.




     - Put your hands up!




     - Please, keep off the grass|Keep off the grass, please.


    Public notice


    - Mix flour and sugar.




    - Don't ( do not) worry, take it easy.




    - Take the first left onto Pine street and continue for three blocks.




    - Don't touch that electric wire again!



    - Give me that pen, please| Please give me that pen.Request

    Note: Sometimes, it's better to use the word 'please' at the beginning or at the end of the sentence in order to make the request sound more polite.



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    English exercise "Imperative" created by matrixhamdi with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from matrixhamdi]
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    Put the verbs of the following sentences into the imperative form by choosing the best answer.

    A dentist is giving some advice to his patient

    (you/ to brush)  your teeth with regular toothpaste.

    A teacher is warning one of his pupils.

    (you/to stop) talking, otherwise I will punish you.

    A mother is blaming her daughter

    (you/ not to be)  late for school again.

    A boy is talking to his girlfriend

    (we/ not to complicate)  things further.

    A mother is giving her son a piece of cake.

    (you/to take)  a piece of this cake. It's very delicious.

     Public notice

    Please (you/ not to pollute) the water.

    A seller is explaining how to deal with the new product.

    Please (you/to read)  the instructions, before you turn on the machine.

    An angry father is warning his son.

    (you/to turn off)  the computer and revise your lessons.

    (you/ to keep) all medicines out of reach of children

    A football team are talking all together.

    (we/to go)  and celebrate our victory.

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