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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #87288: The Postman / The Mail Rail

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    The Postman / The Mail Rail

             The postman


     a postbox, a letter box
     to clear (to empty) a postbox
     sorting office
     to sort the letters
     pigeonhole (compartment for mail)
     a bundle of letters
     mail-bag (of postman)
     mail delivery
     the postman delivers the letters
     Deliveries can be made on foot, bicycle
     or in a car or van.
    To clear a pillar box.        He puts the letters in the
            pigeonholes of a sorting frame.

       London Post Office Railway

     Twenty-one metres beneath the streets of London was a railway which once ran 10.5 km  from Paddington to Whitechapel.
     Small electric trains were used to carry the mail-bags and move them between sorting offices. 
     There were no drivers. A man moved switches to make the trains stop and start in tunnels that were only 2.4m wide in places.
     This railway worked very like a toy. It was in operation in December 1927.
     At that time it was a solution to a very serious traffic problem. It had  eight stations.
     But in 2003 five sorting offices had been relocated and only three stations remained in use.
     This railway had become too expensive. It was taken out of use in May 2003.



     The Post Office Railway also called Mail Rail has been left in condition so that it can be put into service again.
     Trains are occasionally run to keep the tracks and systems in a useable condition.


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    English exercise "The Postman / The Mail Rail" created by lili73 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from lili73]
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    Complete with the right word.
     Very early in the morning the postman comes to the  . He  his letters ready for delivery.
     He works in front of the  so that he can reach all the  without moving.
     He puts the letters into the order in which he will  them.

     Then he ties the letters into  and puts them into his bag.

    2.  Ecouter la figurine et dire pour chaque phrase si elle est vraie ou fausse (right or wrong).

     1st sentence =

     2) = 

     3) =

     4) = 

    3.                                                                                     Mail Rail
         Choose the correct answer.
                                                                           the control room
     The Mail Rail was the first fully automatic driverless railway. It started running in
     Why was this underground railway a unique solution to the problem of transporting large volumes of mail across London? Because of 
     The stations were located under the main sorting offices. How many stations were there?
     Why was the system closed in 2003 ?

    End of the free exercise to learn English: The Postman / The Mail Rail
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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