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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #88109: Uses of the word DRINK
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    Uses of the word DRINK

    Uses of the word DRINKTo drink, is an irregular verb.Conjugated in the preterite, the form is drank.Conjugated in the present perfect, the verb is have/has drunk.Drink, n. a liquid to drink ==> boisson. To drink, conjugated in the present simple, the verb is 'drink, drink, drinks', for the 3 persons singular, 'drink, drink, drink, for the 3 persons plural. In the exercise, choose the correct form of the verb.

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    English exercise "Uses of the word DRINK" created by maya58 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from maya58]
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    1. Tea is the most popular in Britain.

    2. Ann tea, with milk and sugar.

    3. Water is generally with meals.

    4. People champagne only on special occasions.

    5. A lot of people are very fond of coffee, and it two or three times a day.

    6. Jack tea, twice a day, for breakfast, or after dinner.

    7. French people often buy wine and cider and them for dinner.

    8. Anything to , sir ?

    9. Anyone who wants to a glass of beer, wine, or spirits must go to a public house.

    10. Ted can buy a in the public house, if he's eighteen years old.

    11. " up and let's go!"

    12. He is always drinking. He like a fish!

    13. The scenery is so beautiful, I don't think I can it all in!

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Uses of the word DRINK
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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