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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #8958: There is / there are

    > Other English exercises on the same topic: There is/There are [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - There is , there are - There is / are, and other forms... - There is/ there are + other forms... - There is-There are... left - There is-There are - There is or there are - There is/there are - There is/are or there was/were
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    There is / there are

    There is/There are




    There is + singular.  Eg: There is a little bird.


    There are + plural Eg: There are two bad boys.


    More tenses - More examples...

    There is a dog.

    There was a cat.

    There has been a horse.

    There will be a lion.

    There would be a fish.


       With a modal:

    There must be a solution. 


      There + singular if the first word in the enumeration is in the singular form:

    Eg : There is a boy, two babies and a dog in my garden.

      There + plural if the first word in the enumeration is in the plural form:


                Eg : There are two babies, a boy, a girl and a dog in my garden.




    With a noun and a verb:

    Eg : There was a clown looking at me. 



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    English exercise "There is / there are" created by lucile83 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from lucile83]
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    1. There about fifty people at the party last week.

    2. There a letter is the mailbox.

    3. There two girls and a dog in my garden. They are playing together.

    4. There a woman at the door yesterday when I came back home.

    5. There a computer in my bedroom.

    6. There a meeting yesterday!

    7. There a man looking at me. Do you think he knows me?

    8. There two dogs and a cat in this house.

    9. There many birds in the garden two days ago.

    10. There several books left in that library, They are very expensive.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: There is / there are
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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