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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #89590: Formation of words
    > Other English exercises on the same topics: How words are built | Find the word [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Finals in -y and -ie - Vocabulary: making verbs - Vocabulary: words starting with self- - Means, results : a synthesis... - Forming adjectives from nouns - Prefixes (1) - Words and suffixes - Prefixes 2
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    Formation of words

    With some English vocabulary, we must sometimes change the form of the words in order to get the right meaning. This is called derivation.

    Example: She gave me happy on my last birthday. X

    The correct sentence is : She gave me happiness on my last birthday.

    We can add prefixes or suffixes such as:

    Dis + honest =dishonest

    Im + possible = impossible

    Joy + ful = Joyful

    Care + less = careless

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    English exercise "Formation of words" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. She is a (forget) person.

    2. I don't like that student. He is so (polite).

    3. Have you made your (decide) ?

    4. Can you (long) this skirt?

    5. The family don't have a place to live now. They are (home).

    6. I have a (differ) opinion from him.

    7. A dog is always a devoted and (faith) friend.

    8. I've never had such an (imagine) employee as Mike.

    9. I (agree) with your proposal. It will decrease our income.

    10. The soldier fought (brave) for his country.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Formation of words
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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