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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #90666: Bobby and his dog
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    Bobby and his dog

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    English exercise "Bobby and his dog" created by val92 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from val92]
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    Since Bobby felt alone, he decided to get a . His first choice was a cat because it could for mice. But when he saw a little dog with a funny in a shelter, he made the decision to take it home. Bobby called his dog “Flash” because the on its back looked like flashes of lightning during a thunderstorm. First, Bobby took his dog to the to immunize it against different diseases. Then Bobby bought a beautiful to protect his dog from the rain. But Bobby's neighbours were fed up hearing the dog all day long. Bobby liked to walk the dog in the near his house. While they were walking, the dog was its tail. Flash pricked up its as soon as he heard a strange noise. But Bobby was a little surprised when one morning, Flash gave birth to four lovely . Flash was a !!!

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    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Animals | Tales | All our lessons and exercises