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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #90891: Polling day - Vocabulary

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    > Similar tests: - Vocabulary: greeting people - Vocabulary: on the phone - On the phone - Interacting with someone - Dialogue : What time...? - Conditional clauses - Differences between Like and As - Eating out-Vocabulary
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    Polling day - Vocabulary




    Electoral poster campaign

    Electoral meeting

    Electoral debate

    Opinion poll

    Polling day / Election day

    A voter is going to the poll.

    Polling station / place

    Ballot paper

    Polling booth

    To vote

    Ballot box

    Counting of votes



    Polling station / place

    Ballot paper

    Ballot box

    Voting machine

    Polling booth

    Voter card

    Counting of votes/vote counting


    Election campaign

    Electoral meeting

    Campaign promises

    Opinion poll



    First ballot

    Second ballot

    Polling turnout




    To vote

    To go to the poll

    A vote

    Elector / voter

    Registered voter

    To vote for…

    To vote against

    To cast a blank vote

    To cast a null vote

    To engage in tactical voting

    To vote by secret ballot

    To elect

    Undecided voter (*)

    Voting age

    Right to vote

    (*) You might hear 'swing voter' or 'floating voter' too.

    Find the right answer.

    Many thanks to notrepere for his help.

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    English exercise "Polling day - Vocabulary" created by bridg with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from bridg]
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    The for the next came with lots of to get people back to work.

    The latest shows the challenger trailing his principal opponent, but it is unreliable because there are too many .

    On many people turned out to vote. After taking a , they went into a their votes.

    Peter is upset ! At the he was told that the was eighteen , which is the reason why he wasn't issued a .

    By folding your in half when putting it in the , you are casting a .

    During the , certified observers will watch it to make sure there are no irregularities.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Polling day - Vocabulary
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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