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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #91020: Bobby and the plumber
    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Tales | Jobs [Change theme]
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    Bobby and the plumber

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    English exercise "Bobby and the plumber" created by val92 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from val92]
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    While Bobby was taking a , he noticed water dripping from the ceiling. He immediately phoned the .

    -Bobby: “Good morning, Sir, I am phoning you because I noticed a water on the ceiling”
    -Plumber: “I suspect the leak is coming from the in the apartment above you.”
    -Bobby: “No, it isn't. I'm on the top . It could be coming through a cracked tile on the roof but it has been sunny since last week.”
    -Plumber “OK, I'm going to have a . I'll be over in twenty minutes” (Twenty minutes later...)
    -Plumber: “Could you tell me the way to the , please?”
    -Bobby: “It's on your , but I noticed that the leak has stopped”
    -Plumber: “OK, but what have you got the ceiling which could cause a water leak?”
    -Bobby: “Nothing at all! I don't think there are any water up there!”
    -Plumber: “But where is your hot water ?”
    -Bobby: “My what? What are you talking about? Are you sure that I have got one?”
    -Plumber: 'Of course you do! Where do you think your water comes from? Timbuktu? I don't need a crystal ball to see that it's located in the ceiling above your shower!'

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Bobby and the plumber
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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