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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #92321: Adjective or Adverb

    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Adjectives | Adverbs [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Adverbs of frequency - Comparative of superiority - Order of adjectives - Adjectives and prepositions - Superlative + and adjective - Adjectives-ing and ed - Adjectives and adverbs - Adverbs of frequency
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    Adjective or Adverb

    Adjectives are used to modify nouns.

                        The child is dirty.

                        Adjective is placed directly before a noun.

                        He is a clever boy.

                        They can be used with the verbs - taste, appear, seem, smell etc.

    Adverbs are used to modify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.

                    My cat drinks milk slowly.

                    My dog is fast.

                    The insects moved incredibly quickly.


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    English exercise "Adjective or Adverb" created by greg100 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from greg100]
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    1. This man is 80 years old and walks very .

    2. In my opinion, Susan is a very good driver. She always drives very .

    3. It is a day today. I will stay home.

    4. This is a boring book. Don't read it.

    5. Where did you learn English? You speak very .

    6. This lake is quite . Don't go into the water.

    7. Your sister and your mother look really .

    8. This meat tastes . I think it has gone bad.

    9. Last Sunday it was raining very . We had to stay home.

    10. I was sure that they were wrong.

    11. Would you be , please? I am studying for my exam now.

    12. Your English is so bad that I can understand you.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Adjective or Adverb
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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