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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #9311: Find the word
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    English exercise "Find the word" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    English (8 letters = name of the plant) seems to be everyone's favourite. It is a (adjective derived from ' bush ') , small shrub growing 3 (English measure - French equivalent = 90 cm) high, with silvery, smooth, pointed leaves and highly (adjective = which has perfume) tiny, mauve flowers (relative pronoun - 5 letters) grow at the end of long, spiky stems. When the bush starts (to bloom => gerund) in summer it is a beautiful sight, especially if several plants (to mass => passive voice) together in a hedge. This type (- -) planting suits all the lavenders. English lavender is (superlative) often used for making lavender articles and (superlative of ''high') concentration of (essentials <= mistake !) oils is in the flowers. French lavender is (the most hardy <= mistake !) , and certainly the most rewarding of the varieties to grow...

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