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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #93738: Describing people and adjectives

    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Adjectives | Games [Change theme]
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    Describing people and adjectives

     Adjectives describing one's character and personality

     1 2 3 4 5 6
     angry bored  cowardly  clumsy  curious  shy 

     lazy messy  frightened selfish stingy helpful 


     calm hardworking
     skilful (UK), skillful tidy 


    Jokey, the mischievous Smurf.





    Use these adjectives (only).

    Question 1: Enter THE NUMBER not the adjective. If the answer is HELPFUL, please enter 12.

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    English exercise "Describing people and adjectives" created by lili73 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from lili73]
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    1. Fill in the blank with the number of the opposite adjective written in blue.

    Why are my twin daughters so different? Hannah is tall with blond curly hair, Phoebe is a bit shorter with black straight hair.
    Hannah is lazy and I can't motivate her, on the contrary Phoebe is a very child.

    Uncle Scrooge is a comic book with the stingy Scrooge McDuck 'the richest duck in the world'.
    His nephews know he will never become an uncle.
    This plumber is too clumsy, he is not able to repair the water leak. I wish I had found a one.
    When John was a child he was shy, now he loves meeting people and talking to them. He has become an young man.

    Ryan's room is but his desk, covered with books, papers, pencils is messy. He says, like Einstein:
    'People tend to think more clearly when surrounded by mess'.

    2. Fill in the grid with the missing words.

    1 Badger is a - - - - - - - - - dog, I feel ashamed of his lack of bravery. Even a cat scares him.

    2 The sea is - - - - - - today, there are no waves and no wind.

    3 Bob stared at the ghost with - - - - - - - - - eyes and suddenly ran away.

    4 My sister has broken one more plate, she is really - - - - - - -.

    5 Don't be so - - - - - - - - and give some sweets to your friend.

    6 Mark has always been - - - - - - - - about stars, he wants to become an astronomer.

    7 My neighbour Mr Bean is a very - - - - - - - - man. Whenever I have a letter to post I give it to him.

    8 My room is often - - - - - - - - -, I don't know what to do to keep it clean.

    9 Tom looks - - - - - - - - each time I'm trying to teach him a few irregular verbs.

    10 Mary is - - - - - - - - - at herself when she makes too many mistakes in a dictation.


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    A free English exercise to learn English.
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