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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #93817: Expressions with the word DAY
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    Expressions with the word DAY

    Choose the correct expression.

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    English exercise "Expressions with the word DAY" created by val92 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from val92]
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    1. He worked all day until he was absolutely exhausted. At 9 p.m. he decided .

    2. -How old is he? -Well to my mind, he is ninety .

    3. My mother told me that they have decided to get married, but I don't know .

    4. When my grandmother talks about the past, she always says ' '.

    5. In summer, I like to watch the sunrise over the sea .

    6. I'm exhausted because I have been revising for my exams since last week, but I have decided .

    7. Mark is one of the best sportmen in the entire university, so I'm sure that .

    8. In the United Kingdom, the 26th of December is called .

    9. , when Peter saw Barbara on the fairground attraction, he knew she would be his wife and the mother of his children.

    10. If you eat fast food , you will not be very healthy in next to no time.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Expressions with the word DAY
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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