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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #9465: Compound word 2
    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Find the word [Change theme]
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    Compound word 2

    Look at the words in brackets following each sentence.Complete each sentence by typing the correct form of the word in the space.

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    English exercise "Compound word 2" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. None of his ever worked (invent)

    2. She made several on tv during her career (appear)

    3. The race was very but he eventually won. (compete)

    4. He said he wanted to be a but he actually became a dentist .(law)

    5. The in the neighbourhood complained about the new parking restrictions.(reside)

    6. They waited for news . (anxious)

    7. of electrical goodshas increased this year. (consume)

    8. It was a boring game, completely (event)

    9. The teacher warned him about his (behave)

    10. His to tobacco was very strong . (addict)

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