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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #95498: Common expressions

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    Common expressions


    To have a finger in every pie

    To be involved in different activities (compliment or criticism)

    To look trendy

    To look fashionable

    To get down with the kids

    To behave in a trendy way

    To find one's feet

    To become familiar with something

    To keep someone posted (on)

    To keep someone informed (on)

    To have one's mind blank

    To forget what one was going to do / supposed to do

    To give someone the time of day

    To pay attention to someone

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    English exercise "Common expressions" created by sottav with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from sottav]
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    1. I think that these girls are really not interesting: they are so childish! I don't give them !

    2. She's a lovely wife, an amazing mother, a successful businesswoman, a good cook, and a great photographer: she really has !

    3. He dresses like a teenager in order to look trendy: he really wants to get

    4. I can't speak English very well yet: I am still .

    5. I cannot go anywhere without seeing her. Unfortunately, she

    6. Keep me how things are going at your work!

    7. I don't know yet if I will get the job, but don't worry Mom, I will .

    8. I cannot remember what I am supposed to do… My mind has just gone !

    9. Peter has : he is able to provide you with any information you need.

    10. I have a job interview tomorrow at five; I hope my mind won't ! It sometimes happens to me when I am under pressure…

    11. “I started a new job last week, and I must say I am quite proud of myself, because today I already have friends at work, my boss likes me and I have already written a report.”
    “Well, it seems that you have already found , then!”

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Common expressions
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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