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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #96546: Say or Tell

    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Say, tell or speak? [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Say or tell? - Vocabulary: communication - Say or tell - Say / tell - Say/tell - To speak/ to say/ to tell/ to talk - Speak-Talk-Say-Tell - Say or Tell
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    Say or Tell

    Both verbs say and tell have similar meanings -to communicate with someone, although they are used differently.

    Generally, their use can be expressed as follows:

     You say something.

    You tell someone something.

    You say something to someone .

    She said that she was feeling well.             – not defined to whom has been spoken.

    She told him that she was feeling well.        – the person to whom has been spoken is defined (“told him”)

    She said to him: 'I am not feeling well.'       – the person to whom has been spoken is defined (“said to him”)

    When an order or a piece of advice is given, we use tell:

     Ex: Tell Nadya to turn off this TV.

          He told me not to worry.

    Some phrases are used only with tell:

     Tell (someone) a story.

    Tell (someone) a lie.

    Tell (someone) the truth.

    Tell the future (to foretell).

    Tell the time (He told me it was 4 o'clock).

    Good luck!

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    English exercise "Say or Tell" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. Excuse me can you me how to open this door?

    2. Ana that it was too hard for her to read the whole text aloud

    3. Please don't me lies. I'm not a fool.

    4. You can read in her eyes: “I beg you me what my future is!”

    5. I've you not to do that!

    6. Peter me that the office is closed today because of the feast.

    7. Granny always : “The value of a gift is not in its price but in the gesture itself.”

    8. They that there is nothing worthier than the smile of a child.

    9. Yes, she is the truth.

    10. Can you what you think of me.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Say or Tell
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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