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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #96931: Do and Make
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    Do and Make

    Choose the right verb to complete the sentences.

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    English exercise "Do and Make" created by hidalgo with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from hidalgo]
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    37 answers are available. Please use the small bar on the right of the answers to see all of them.

    Early one evening, after the dishes, Mary was sitting on the terrace nothing in particular except trying to relax. David, her husband, was in the bedroom a phone call. The children were their homework. And evidently Mary's neighbours had all themselves comfortable in front of their TV sets because the noise they were was oppressive. All she could was to try to think
    about tomorrow.

    She was going to her mother's place in the country for a little vacation. A week without the shopping, the meals, the washing, the beds ... that would her good !
    When David first the suggestion, she didn't think so. She thought he was just a fuss over nothing. Maybe she was a little tired, but she was all right. Besides, how could the children without her ? It would everything much too difficult for them to be alone. Why, Jane, the youngest, couldn't even her hair without help !

    But David had up his mind. The arrangements had already been , and there was nothing else to be . The children might the situation a little difficult, but they would all just have to the most of it. And if they all a special effort, they would just fine.

    Well, David was right to her go. It didn't sense for her to anything else, really. David had that clear to her. She had too much recently and it had absolutely her in. A few days off would all the difference. In fact, she finally decided that she would be a big mistake if she didn't go. So, all she had to now was to sure that the children understood exactly what she was . She thought that if they didn't understand, it would them very unhappy.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Do and Make
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Frequent mistakes | Make or do? | Find the word | All our lessons and exercises