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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #97527: At a Restaurant

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    At a Restaurant


    a group of persons employed by a restaurant

    dish of the day

    a special dish that is offered as a daily special

    appetizing, ( appetising )

    food that smells or looks attractive


    small snack served before meal


    a request to make, supply or deliver food


    feeling or having thirst

    main course

    the principal and biggest part of meal


    a person who serves at a table in a restaurant or bar


    to express a good opinion of something that is good and worth having


    any liquid suitable for drinking, usually other than water

    eat out

    eat at a restaurant instead of home

    sparkling water

    water charged with carbon dioxide ( carbonated water, club soda, seltzer, soda water )


    someone who is paying to eat in a restaurant


    a piece of paper that shows customers how much to pay


    a style of cooking based on a culture of a particular country or region


    a small amount of extra money that you give a waiter or waitress


    sweet food served after the meal


    when reserving in advance a table in restaurant

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    English exercise "At a Restaurant" created by greg100 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from greg100]
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    1. In this restaurant, the is very friendly and the food is tasty and plentiful.

    2. I would like a piece of cake for with vanilla ice cream on top.

    3. I'd like something to drink. I am very after eating this salty soup.

    4. Welcome to Jane's restaurant. Here are your menus. The is potato pancakes stuffed with meat.

    5. He paid the , left no tip and exited the restaurant.

    6. Yesterday, I had the seafood soup which didn't look but it tasted amazing.

    7. Before the main course, the waiter brought us some green olives as an .

    8. The service in that restaurant was just great. We left them a big .

    9. - Are you ready to ? - Yes, I'd like pork chops, a baked potato and a salad please.

    10. Pork is the most common meat in traditional Polish .

    11. is also known as seltzer or soda water.

    12. The waiter a traditional Polish sauerkraut soup. The dish sounded delicious so we ordered it at once.

    13. The is the most important dish of a meal.

    14. In about 30 minutes, the brought us our food.

    15. The old grey-haired man always orders this with no sugar.

    16. On Sundays they and then go to the cinema.They never cook at home.

    17. Our restaurant concentrates on anticipating the needs of the .

    18. I'd like to make a for a table for three please.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: At a Restaurant
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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