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    English words /pacsé and concubin

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    English words /pacsé and concubin
    Message from capi posted on 06-12-2022 at 21:00:07 (D | E | F)

    Could you tell me what the most common words in colloquial English for "pacsé" and "concubin" are?
    I hope I am in the right forum because "French is not allowed"
    Thanks a lot.

    Edited by lucile83 on 07-12-2022 11:35
    Verb at the end of the question.

    Re: English words /pacsé and concubin from lucile83, posted on 07-12-2022 at 10:43:03 (D | E)

    Why do you think those words are colloquial? They are not.
    Here is a good dictionary: Link


    Re: English words /pacsé and concubin from capi, posted on 07-12-2022 at 20:22:51 (D | E)
    I thought there was a more familiar expression or word than " to have registered a civil union".

    Thanks a lot!

    Re: English words /pacsé and concubin from gerondif, posted on 08-12-2022 at 14:31:48 (D | E)
    You can find a few roundabout phrases with "linguee".

    Re: English words /pacsé and concubin from capi, posted on 14-12-2022 at 19:56:31 (D | E)
    Thank you for the answers and the links.

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    Forum > English only