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    Texte/ New York

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    Texte/ New York
    Message de snoopy5678 posté le 07-04-2018 à 19:17:19 (S | E | F)
    Salut Bonjour,
    j'ai un texte à faire pour l'anglais; quelqu'un pourrait-il corriger mes fautes svp s'il vous plait?
    Merci pour vos réponses.

    New York is a famous worldwide. It's situated in New York state, on the East Coast of the USA at the mouth of the Hudson river.
    It has got actually 8 millions people who live there and 50 millions guys who come to go sightseeing.
    New York is also known for these shows, theaters, museum Broadway.
    The city lines Atlantic Ocean and it's the most populous city in the United States w/ 14m inhabitants
    Ny is a huge city, there are plenty of diversity. NY is multicural city with different neighbourhoods like Asian, Italian...
    It has got 5 boroughs : Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, Manhattan and Staten Island.
    NYC's nicknamed ''the Big Apple'' and ''the city that never sleeps''.
    It is a city where the film never stops, the movies (Spiderman, Batman etc ...) or series (Friends, CSI, etc. ..)
    are the most popular this is real-inspired decor of New York
    About the Building, it has got 5 monuments very famous in NY City :

    The chrysler building at Lexington Avenue It was the tallest in the world w/ 77story (étages) and the symbol of big city glamour
    It's Spine with crescent shaped steps made of steel
    The top looks car radiators bc Chrysler was a car maker

    The flatiron's at Colorado. The shape is triangular that's why we call it ''flat iron''

    The United Nations Headquarters at middtown.The shape is geometric w/ glass and it's Typical of the international style

    Times square at Manhattan, it has got Néon flash billboards on the building w/ famous image
    There also a large concentration of theaters, shops and entertainment.
    We can see there, the famous yellow cabs, which are found in the film or series.

    The Empire state building, it's a skyscraper, in Manhattan midtown

    And a museum, The guggenheim, who is a modern museum
    It look like a ribbon curled (rubon enroulé) around cylinder

    It has got some others musuem like The metropolitain, The MOMA, the MET....

    What can we do else in New York? Go to Central Park, for : play football, do jogging, rest and sleep
    or feed the squirels.
    Go to Brooklyn Bridge, for look the paysage or eat a ice-cream At Ice cream factory
    Go shopping
    Go to Wall Street for buy hot dog or other food at street vendor
    Go to Elli's Island, for see The statue of liberty...

    Let's talk about NY history. The first colonists arrived at 1624 and NY was continuously shape by the waves of emigrates.
    Ellis Island was corssing point was mandatory for all emigrates who have come to States between end of 19 and 20 century
    Their first inhabitants was Indian. In 1626 New York was sold by Indians at Dutchs for only 24 dollars.
    It has beloyed to the Dutch in 1664 but is was captured by the British, they called the city New Amsterdam

    Modifié par lucile83 le 07-04-2018 20:26

    Réponse : Texte/ New York de here4u, postée le 08-04-2018 à 10:11:11 (S | E)

    New York is a famous worldwide(ici, il manque un nom, ... ou le déterminant est en trop!). It's situated in New York state,NO! (Lien internet
    ) on the Eastern Coast of the USA at the mouth of the Hudson river.
    It has got actually 8 millions people who live there and 50 millions guys (visitors) who come to go sightseeing.
    New York is also known for these shows, theaters, museum Broadway.
    The city lines XXX Atlantic Ocean and it's the most populous city in the United States w/ 14m inhabitants
    Ny is a huge city, there are plenty of diversity(the sentence looks unfinished). NY is multicural city with different neighbourhoods like Asian, Italian XXX ...
    It has got 5 boroughs : Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, Manhattan and Staten Island.
    NYC's nicknamed ''the Big Apple'' and ''the city that never sleeps''.
    It is a city where the film never stops, the movies (Spiderman, Batman etc ...) or series (Friends, CSI, etc. ..) (very clumsy...) are the most popular XXX this is real-inspired decor of New York
    About the Building (which one?), it has got 5 monuments very famous(ordre des mots!) in NY City :

    The chrysler building at Lexington Avenue: It was the tallest(highest) in the world w/ 77story (étages) and the symbol of big city glamour
    It's Spine with crescent shaped steps made of steel what do you mean?
    The top looks car radiators bc Chrysler was a car maker

    The flatiron's at Colorado175 Fifth Avenue.ce n'est toujours pas une phrase... The= Its shape is triangular that's why we call it(a passive form would be better) ''xxx flat iron''

    The United Nations Headquarters at middtown.The shape is geometric w/ glass and it's Typical of the international style

    Times square at Manhattan, it has got on flash billboards on the building w/ famous image
    There al(where's the verb?)so a large concentration of theaters, shops and entertainment.
    We can see (there = beginning of the sentence), the famous yellow cabs, which are found in the filmS or series.

    The Empire state building, it's a skyscraper, in Manhattan midtown

    And a museum, The guggenheim, who is a modern museum
    It look like a ribbon curled (rubon enroulé) around a cylinder

    It has got= clumsy! some others musuem like The metropolitain, The MOMA, the MET....

    What XXX ("else" should be here!)can we do else in New York? Go to Central Park, for : play football, do jogging, rest and sleep
    or feed the squirels.
    Go to Brooklyn Bridge, for look the paysage (construction+ vocabulary!) or eat a ice-cream At Ice cream factory
    Go shopping
    Go to Wall Street for buy hot dog or other food at street vendorS
    Go to Elli's Island, for see The statue of liberty...

    Let's talk about NY history. The first colonists(settlers) arrived at 1624 and NY was continuously shape by the waves of emigrates.
    Ellis Island was corssing point(crossing point) 'construction?)was mandatory for all emigrates who have come to XXX XXXXXX States between XXX end of 19 th and XXX 20th century
    Their first inhabitants was IndianS. In 1626 New York was sold by Indians at Dutchs for only 24 dollars.
    It has beloyed to the Dutch in 1664 but is was captured by the British, they called the city New Amsterdam

    What's this supposed to be? A travel guide? A personal appreciation of NYC? That's not clearly shown...
    Decide once and for all whether you make full sentences or not. Then stick to it. Your text was quite difficult to follow...
    There may be "a few" more mistakes left...

    Réponse : Texte/ New York de snoopy5678, postée le 08-04-2018 à 11:16:09 (S | E)
    It's a work in English and i have to do a tour guide but it's complicated for me

    I redid the text to own and ''the spine'' it's actually ''a spire'' une flèche

    New York is famous worldwide. It's situated in on the Eastern Coast of the USA at the mouth of the Hudson river.
    It has got actually 8 millions people who live there and 50 millions visitors who come to go sightseeing.
    New York is also known for these shows, theaters, museum Broadway.
    The city lines Atlantic Ocean and it's the most populous city in the United States w/ 14m inhabitants
    Ny is a huge city, there are plenty of diversity. NY is multicural city with different neighbourhoods
    like Asian, Italian and so on ...
    It has got 5 boroughs : Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, Manhattan and Staten Island.
    NYC's nicknamed ''the Big Apple'' and ''the city that never sleeps''.
    It is a city where the film never stops, the movies (Spiderman, Batman etc ...) or series (Friends, CSI, etc. ..) (very clumsy...)
    are the most popular XXX this is real-inspired decor of New York
    About the Building (which one?), it has got 5 monuments very famous(ordre des mots!) in NY City :

    The chrysler building at Lexington Avenue: It was the tallest(highest) in the world w/ 77story (étages) and the symbol of big city glamour
    It's Spire with crescent shaped steps made of steel what do you mean?
    The top looks car radiators bc Chrysler was a car maker

    The flatiron's at Colorado175 Fifth Avenue.ce n'est toujours pas une phrase... The shape is triangular that's why we call it ''The flat iron''

    The United Nations Headquarters at middtown.The shape is geometric w/ glass and it's Typical of the international style

    Times square at Manhattan, it has got Néon flash billboards on the building w/ famous image
    There are also a large concentration of theaters, shops and entertainment.
    There, we can see the famous yellow cabs, which are found in the films or series.

    The Empire state building, it's a skyscraper, in Manhattan midtown

    And a museum, The guggenheim, who is a modern museum
    It look like a ribbon curled (rubon enroulé) around a cylinder

    And some others musuem like The metropolitain, The MOMA, the MET....

    What else can we do in New York? Go to Central Park, for : play football, do jogging, rest and sleep
    or feed the squirels.
    Go to Brooklyn Bridge, for look the paysage or eat a ice-cream At Ice cream factory
    Go shopping
    Go to Wall Street for buy hot dog or other food at street vendorS
    Go to Elli's Island, for see The statue of liberty...

    Let's talk about NY history. The first colonists arrived at 1624 and NY was continuously shape by the waves of emigrates.
    Ellis Island was crossing point (point de croisement) was mandatory for all emigrates who have come to
    States between end of 19 th and 20th century
    Their first inhabitants was IndianS. In 1626 New York was sold by Indians at Dutchs for only 24 dollars.

    Réponse : Texte/ New York de here4u, postée le 08-04-2018 à 12:49:44 (S | E)

    You're supposed to correct (or try to correct) your mistakes once they've been indicated, not copy the same text again without changing anything. If you don't "play the game", noboby will feel like helping.

    Réponse : Texte/ New York de snoopy5678, postée le 08-04-2018 à 13:16:38 (S | E)
    here4u, i tried to correct as i could

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais