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    Sujet de société (correction) (1)

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    Sujet de société (correction)
    Message de tomtom1001 posté le 22-02-2008 à 16:41:16 (S | E | F)


    Our teacher told us making a short story with several chapters including a society subject... and I chose "AIDS", and this is the before words.
    So could you correct my essay, or just some lines, telling me where are my faults? thank you in advance for your answers!!.

    This story could have begun with "once upon a time", but a nightmare is more represented is this narrative than a fairy tale.

    Love is such as drugs: when you fall in love with somebody, you can't prevent yourself for being overwhelmed by some images about him. You keep thinking, dreaming on him... as if you were bewitched by this sweet face, these blue-lagoon eyes... When he's with you, you feel so light-hearted that nothing could tear down this wonderful picture. But on the contrary, when he's not beside you anymore, affliction and emptiness are the only words expressed by your broken heart.
    Love and drugs have the same aim: fulfilling a deep lack!

    But unfortunately, love and drugs share another consequence, slier, more silencious... hidden behind insouciance of love for don't we say love blinds us?
    Please stay distrustful and suspicious with persons you will be induced to meet: some of them have bad intentions and you could be sunk into despair, sadness, even death... This illness will awaken either when you will know what intense pleasures are and because you won't have taken some main cares, or thanks to a kind friends who will let you have fun with a deadly and blood-drenched needle.(it's ironic, don't worry!).

    But after all, doesn't loving always involve a risk? For this is the most hard-controlling feeling and thus some actions are done while thinking of them would never have crossed our minds... some dangerous actions.

    I took this risk... but I failed.

    Here is my story
    (it's not real!!!)

    Modifié par bridg le 22-02-2008 16:46

    Réponse: Sujet de société (correction) de sabina24, postée le 23-02-2008 à 18:37:34 (S | E)
    Bonsoir Tomtom,
    J'ai lu ton texte et je n'arrive pas à comprendre parce que je suis très faible. Je suis désolée parce que tu m'as bien aidée hier. Merci !

    Réponse: Sujet de société (correction) de tomtom1001, postée le 23-02-2008 à 22:30:21 (S | E)

    C'est super gentil d'avoir essayer en tout cas... comme peu de gens m'ont répondu, çà me fait SUPER plaisir!!!

    A bientôt


    Réponse: Sujet de société (correction) de lucile83, postée le 23-02-2008 à 22:47:47 (S | E)
    This story could have begun with "once upon a time", but a nightmare is more represented is this narrative than a fairy tale.

    Love is such as drugs: when you fall in love with somebody, you can't prevent yourself for being overwhelmed by some images about him. You keep thinking, dreaming on him... as if you were bewitched by this sweet face, these blue-lagoon eyes... When he's with you, you feel so light-hearted that nothing could tear down this wonderful picture. But on the contrary, when he's not beside you anymore, affliction and emptiness are the only words expressed by your broken heart.
    Love and drugs have the same aim: fulfilling a deep lack!

    But unfortunately, love and drugs share another consequence, slier, more silencious... hidden behind insouciance of love for don't we say love blinds us?
    Please stay distrustful and suspicious with persons you will be induced to meet: some of them have bad intentions and you could be sunk into despair, sadness, even death... This illness will awaken either when you will know what intense pleasures are and because you won't have taken some main cares, or thanks to a kind friends who will let you have fun with a deadly and blood-drenched needle.(it's ironic, don't worry!).

    But after all, doesn't loving always involve a risk? For this is the most hard-controlling feeling and thus some actions are done while thinking of them would never have crossed our minds( phrase bancale )... some dangerous actions.

    I took this risk... but I failed.

    Texte correct, quelques maladresses à revoir mais c'est bien !
    See you

    Réponse: Sujet de société (correction) de tomtom1001, postée le 24-02-2008 à 00:56:06 (S | E)
    Thank you very much lucile83 for your advices....

    It's really kind!!


    Réponse: Sujet de société (correction) de blackberry59, postée le 24-02-2008 à 17:07:26 (S | E)
    Hello Tomtom,

    Attention à l'empoi de "prevent" qui se construit avec "from".

    Lorsque tu utilises "somebody", si tu souhaites le reprendre dans la phrase, tu utiliseras "them" et non "him"; en effet, lorsque la personne dont il s'agit n'est pas clairement définie, l'anglais préserve le flou au moyen du pronom personnel sujet "they" et du pronom personnel complément "them".

    "fulfill a lack": il faudrait demander l'avis d'un anglophone ici mais je préfère "fill a lack" (plutôt que "fulfill") ou encore "to make up for a lack".

    "don't we say love blinds us?" : "we are blinded by love" me semble plus acceptable, mais là encore, mieux vaut t'adresser à un anglophone.

    Voilà ma maigre contribution, d'autres choses ayant déjà été soulignées par lucile83.

    Une dernière chose: "advice" est indénombrable, donc pas de "s". Pour dire "un conseil" = a piece of advice.


    Modifié par blackberry59 le 24-02-2008 17:07