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    Aide Dm d'anglais

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    Aide Dm d'anglais
    Message de moaaa38 posté le 25-12-2010 à 14:33:50 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour à tous =)

    Je suis actuellement en 3éme et j'ai un DM en anglais .
    Voici le sujet :

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of reading ?
    Give your views from concrete examples of books .
    Your text should be in 300 words .

    Moi et l'anglais ça fait deux !
    Donc , je viens de commencer , je ne sais pas trop si je suis hors sujet ou pas ... :/
    Voici le début :

    I like reading because I think reading has many advantages .
    Indeed , redaing develop the culture and learn others thinkkg historical , for example , " The diary od Anne Frank " It deals with Anne Frank , German Jewish tennager born in Frankfurt am Main in Germany who wrote a diary while in hiding with her faily and four friends in Amsterdam during the Geran occupation of World War II .

    Alors ? ça va ou pas du tout ?
    Je ne vous demande pas de faire le Dm à ma place , seulement de donner votre avis et de me dire où sont mes fautes pour que je puisse les corriger !
    Je mettrai au fur et à mesure la suite de mon texte !
    Merci d'avance =)
    Bsx .

    Modifié par lucile83 le 25-12-2010 16:17

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de alphonse46, postée le 25-12-2010 à 16:28:08 (S | E)
    Bonjour Moaaa,
    essaie de te relire:
    indeed, redaing ( verbe: to read)
    develop/ troisième personne du singulier, il manque un 's', de même qu'à learn(s)
    learn: to learn about something
    thinkkg ?
    historical est un adjectif, il doit se mettre avant le mot qu'il qualifie
    'The diary od Ann? /the diary of Ann
    it deals: le 'it' est de trop
    tennager: je te propose: teenagers (n'oublie pas d'indiquer les pluriels quand c'est nécessaire)
    après Germany: il est utile de mettre une ','
    hiding: 'to remain in hiding'= rester cacher
    faliy: sans doute family
    Geran: sans doute German
    during the Geran occupation of World War II
    En fait tu as voulu dire: sous l'occupation allemande, durant la seconde guerre mondiale, essaie de refaire ta phrase
    Bon courage

    Modifié par alphonse46 le 25-12-2010 17:08

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de moaaa38, postée le 25-12-2010 à 20:56:15 (S | E)
    Bonsoir alphonse46 et surtout merci =)

    Oui , je viens de constater que j'ai fais beaucoup d'erreur de frappe =S

    Donc revoici mon début de texte corrigé :

    I like reading because I think reading has many advantages .
    Indeed , reading develops the culture and learns about historical something , for example , " The diary of Anne Frank " deals of a german jewish teenagers who is born in Frankfurt am Main in Germany . She was wrote a diary while in hiding with her family and four friends in Amsterdam , under German occupation during World War II .

    C'est bien comme ça ?

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de alphonse46, postée le 25-12-2010 à 21:34:57 (S | E)

    develops the culture: il n'est pas d'usage de mettre 'the' devant des mots qui représentent des généralités
    to learn= apprendre: you learn English

    historical something/ historical topics

    je te propose:
    we are able to understand historical topics by reading books.

    a german jewish teenagers:pas de(s),
    German Jewish: il faut toujours mettre des majuscules aux noms et adjectifs représentatifs d'un pays, ou de ses habitants.

    who is born: dans ce cas, le prétérit s'impose: who was born, le prétérit est utilisé pour exprimer une action qui a eu lieu dans le passé.

    she was wrote: le participe passé de 'to write' est written, et la conjugaison au passif nécessite 'to have', cependant, il faut écrire:
    she wrote a diary ( elle a écrit..il s'agit d'une action complètement terminée)

    Bonne assimilation

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de moaaa38, postée le 26-12-2010 à 12:51:39 (S | E)
    Bonjour alphonse46,

    Je vous remercie infiniment
    Vous m'aidez énormément ! donc revoilà mon texte ::

    I like reading because I think reading has many advantages .
    We are able to understand historical topics by reading books, for example , " The diary of Anne Frank " with Anne Franck, a German Jewish teenager who was born in Frankfurt am Main in Germany. She wrote a diary while she was hiding with her family and her four friends in Amsterdam during the German occupation of World War II.

    Puis la suite de mon texte ::

    this book makes it possible to make us revive the events which occurred during the second world war .

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de alphonse46, postée le 26-12-2010 à 13:51:16 (S | E)
    'with Anne Frank': what will you say?
    under the German occupation during World War II
    this book makes it possible to make us revive,
    I prefer:
    this book allow us to live, or to experience

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de moaaa38, postée le 26-12-2010 à 15:20:52 (S | E)
    Thank you !

    I like reading because I think reading has many advantages .
    We are able to understand historical topics by reading books, for example , " The diary of Anne Frank " deals of a German Jewish teenager who was born in Frankfurt am Main in Germany. She wrote a diary while she was hiding with her family and her four friends in Amsterdam under the German occupation during World War II.

    this book allow us to livethe events which occurred during the second world war .

    The books have also others advantages such as entertaiment , for example the tales . These are short stories, imaginary whose sole purpose of entertaining the reader and makes dream , like the tales : " Cinderella " . It was written by Charles Perrault in 1697 . Deals with a young girl who is mistreated by her stepmother and her two half - sister . One evening, her fairy godmother appears and has transformed into a beautiful princess. She can go to the ball of the prince and they fall instantly in love .
    Stories like that - they are suitable for all, childrens and adults. They allow more young people to discover new words, dream and " s'épanouir " ( je trouve pas le bon mot )

    Voilà pour le moment =)

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de alphonse46, postée le 26-12-2010 à 18:32:49 (S | E)
    this book allow us to livethe ( live the)
    The books have : books have ( livre en général)
    the books written by Charles Dickens ( on utilise 'the'dans ce cas, car ce sont des livres particuliers, ce sont ceux qui ont été écrits..)
    such as entertaiment :entertainment
    These are short stories, imaginary :these imaginary short stories
    books are not stories, you have to choose another verb
    whose sole : what is 'sole' ?
    'whose' is in relation with people, you have to choose another word
    and makes dream: the true subject is " books', make him dreaming: try to get another verb for 'to make'(when writing in French, do you often use 'faire'?
    like the tales : " Cinderella " : the tales or the tale ?
    Deals with a young girl: where is the subject?
    her two half - sister .: sister or sisters?
    One evening, her fairy godmother appears and has transformed into a beautiful princess. : whom has transformed ?
    Do pay attention to the tense you are using of!(appears, has transformed )
    the ball of the prince: the prince's ball
    and they fall instantly in love.and she and the prince fall in love
    Stories like that - they are suitable: 'they ' is not necessary
    childrens ?
    They allow more young people:'more' is in direct relation with young people ( in French: plus de jeunes)!
    " s'épanouir " ( je trouve pas le bon mot ) ( je ne trouve pas)
    to blossom,or to enable children to fulfill their imaginations

    Modifié par alphonse46 le 26-12-2010 18:34

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de lucile83, postée le 26-12-2010 à 21:44:12 (S | E)
    Merci pour votre participation alphonse46 mais il est préférable de signaler les fautes, et d'apporter son aide plutôt que de faire le travail qui n'aura plus qu'à être recopié.

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de moaaa38, postée le 27-12-2010 à 14:48:12 (S | E)
    Je réécris mon texte en prenant compte de vos éléments de corrections :

    Books have also others advantages such as entertainment for example , the tales .
    These imaginary short stories allow to project the reader in another world and " to make about it dream " ( je mets cette partie entre guillemets car je pense qu'elle est fausse donc je ne l'intégrerais pas dans mon texte )
    likke the tale : " Cinderella " . The books was written by Charles Perrault in 1697 . It deals with a young girl who is mistreated by her stepmother and her two hal-sisters . One evening , her fairy godmother appears and has transformed the girl into a beautiful princess . She can go to the prince's ball and they fall instantly in love .
    Stories like that are suitablle for all , children's and adults .
    They allow young people to discover new words and to enable children to fulfill their imaginations .

    I think reading is a necessary thing for all. She allows of to enrich our vocabulary, to learn news and to get away.

    Deuxième et dernière partie de ma rédaction ::

    I find that reading does not have a lot of disadvantages. However, by reading a lot, we can become dependent of the book. For example , to think only of reading, to sleep late, to lose the notion of time... What is rather negative and can fluster the development of the children's.

    Pourriez-vous m'indiquer mes erreurs s'il vous plaît ?

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de alphonse46, postée le 27-12-2010 à 16:50:56 (S | E)
    Good afternoon, moaaa

    Books have also others advantages such as entertainment for example ,
    ( why also )
    the tales .These imaginary short stories allow to project the reader in another world and " to make about it dream " ( je mets cette partie entre guillemets car je pense qu'elle est fausse donc je ne l'intégrerais pas dans mon texte )/tu pourrais chercher, au lieu d'abandonner!
    the tale : " Cinderella " . The books
    was written by Charles Perrault in 1697 . It deals with a young girl who is mistreated by her stepmother and her two hal-sisters
    One evening , her fairy godmother appears and has transformed ( pay attention to the tense)
    the girl into a beautiful princess . She can go to the prince's ball and they fall instantly in love . (who are they?)

    Stories like that are suitablle for all , children's
    and adults .
    They allow young people to discover new words and to(isn't useful )enable children to fulfill their imaginations .

    I think reading is a necessary thing for all (choose a word)
    She allows ( with or without 's')of to ( deux averbes, il faut en choisir un)
    enrich our vocabulary, to learn news and to get away. (who is she?)

    I find( trouver au sens de penser: choose another verb)
    that reading does not have a lot of disadvantages. However, by reading a lot, we can become dependent of( choose another adverb)
    the book.( why one book)
    For example , to think only of( choose another adverb) reading,
    to sleep late, to lose the notion of time...(why using: to)
    What is rather negative and can fluster the development of the children's.

    Modifié par alphonse46 le 27-12-2010 17:45

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de moaaa38, postée le 27-12-2010 à 20:16:42 (S | E)
    Hello .

    J'ai mis mes corrections en rouge .

    the tales .These imaginary short stories allow to project the reader in another world and " to make about it dream " ( je mets cette partie entre guillemets car je pense qu'elle est fausse donc je ne l'intégrerais pas dans mon texte ) :
    je n'abandonne pas mais c'est que je ne comprends pas mon erreur . Ce que je veux dire " et de faire rêver " donc c'est pour celà que j'ai mis " makes " .

    the tale : " Cinderella " . The tales was written by Charles Perrault in 1697 . It deals with a young girl who is mistreated by her stepmother and her two half-sisters

    She can go to the prince's ball . The prince's and the girl fall instantly in love .

    Stories like that are suitablle for all , childs and adults .They allow young people to discover new words and enable children to fulfill their imaginations .

    I think reading is a necessary thing for everybody
    Reading allows ( with the 's' ! 3e. personne ) to enrich our vocabulary, to learn news and to get away .

    I think that reading does not have a lot of disadvantages. However, by reading a lot, we can become dependent to the books

    For example , to think only to sleep late, lose the notion of time...

    What is rather negative and can fluster the development of the child's

    Modifié par moaaa38 le 27-12-2010 20:17

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de alphonse46, postée le 28-12-2010 à 11:38:51 (S | E)
    Good morning Moaaa
    Ce que je veux dire " et de faire rêver " donc c'est pour celà que j'ai mis " makes "
    'to' isn't useful,
    Exemple de phrase: faire pleurer quelqu'un: to make somebody cry
    The prince's ?
    Stories like that are suitablle for all , childs ?
    we can become dependent to ( choose another adverb)

    For example , to think only to sleep late, lose the notion of time...
    what is the meaning of this sentence?, write it in French

    What(choose another pronoun)
    is rather negative and can fluster the development of the child's ?

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de moaaa38, postée le 28-12-2010 à 12:35:11 (S | E)
    Good Morning alphonse46 ,

    These imaginary short stories allow to project the reader in another world and makes about it dream .

    the prince

    Stories like that are suitablle for everybody

    we can become dependent of the books

    For example , think only to reading ,sleep late, lose the notion of time... ( = par exemple , on pense seulement à lire , on se couche tard , on perd la notion du temps ... )

    Who is rather negative and can fluster the development of the child.

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de alphonse46, postée le 28-12-2010 à 12:55:17 (S | E)
    These imaginary short stories allow to project the reader in another world and makes about it dream .
    who is dreaming?
    the prince
    Stories like that are suitablle for everybody/
    You are eluding the true problem :childs ?

    we can become dependent of( another averb, haven't you got a dictionary, have you ?)

    For example , think only to reading ,sleep late, lose the notion of time... ( = par exemple , on pense seulement à lire , on se couche tard , on perd la notion du temps ... )
    so, how can you translate 'on' into English?

    Who is rather negative and can fluster the development of the child.
    the true problem is 'childrens', what is the plural of child ?
    Why 'who'? we usually use 'who' when speaking of a person, or people.

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de moaaa38, postée le 28-12-2010 à 18:54:46 (S | E)
    Good evening ,

    These imaginary short stories allow to project the reader in another world and makes him dream .

    the prince = le prince

    Stories like that are suitablle for all , the children

    we can become dependent upon .

    For example , we think only to reading ,we sleep late, we lose the notion of time... / in french : " on " => english "we"

    What is rather negative and can fluster the development of the children .

    I think , the plural of child is children .

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de alphonse46, postée le 28-12-2010 à 19:18:37 (S | E)
    So, you have to rewrite your essay in its whole

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de moaaa38, postée le 29-12-2010 à 16:31:16 (S | E)
    Good afternoon alphonse46,

    I like reading because I think reading has many advantages .
    We are able to understand historical topics by reading books, for example , " The diary of Anne Frank " deals of a German Jewish teenager who was born in Frankfurt am Main in Germany. She wrote a diary while she was hiding with her family and her four friends in Amsterdam under the German occupation during World War II.
    This book allow us to live the events which occurred during the second world war .
    Books have others advantages such as entertainment for example ,the tales .These imaginary short stories allow to project the reader in another world and makes him dream like the tale : " Cinderella " . The tales was written by Charles Perrault in 1697 . It deals with a young girl who is mistreated by her stepmother and her two half-sisters .One evening , her fairy godmother appears and has transformed the girl into a beautiful princess . She can go to the prince's ball . The prince and the girl fall instantly in love . Stories like that are suitablle for all , children and adults . They allow young people to discover new words and enable children to fulfill their imaginations .They allow young people to discover new words and to enable children fulfill their imaginations .
    I think reading is a necessary thing for everybody .I think reading is a necessary thing for all , children and adults . Reading allows to enrich our vocabulary, learn news words and to get away . I think that reading does not have a lot of disadvantages. However, by reading a lot, we can become dependent upon the books , For example , we think only to reading ,we sleep late, we lose the notion of time... What is rather negative and can fluster the development of the children .

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de alphonse46, postée le 29-12-2010 à 18:35:30 (S | E)
    Good afternoon,Moaaa
    Bel effort.
    Bref rappel de l'usage des temps des verbes: lorsqu'on parle d’évènements qui ont eu lieu, il est d'usage d'utiliser le prétérit; si on utilise le présent, cela veut dire qu'on évoque des évènements actuels, ou qui ont toujours eu lieu.Si on utilise le passé composé ( exemple: has transformed), cela exprime l'idée que la situation se continue, ou quelle a un lien étroit avec le présent.

    I like reading because I think reading has many advantages .
    We are able to understand historical topics by reading books, for example , " The diary of Anne Frank " deals of a German Jewish teenager who was born in Frankfurt am Main in Germany. She( who is she) wrote a diary while she was hiding with her family and her four friends in Amsterdam under the German occupation during World War II.
    This book allow us to live the events which occurred during the second world war.' Word War'
    Books have others advantages such as entertainment, for example ,the tales .These imaginary short stories allow to project the reader in another world and makes him dream like the tale : " Cinderella " . The tales was written by Charles Perrault in 1697 . It deals with a young girl who is(tense) mistreated by her stepmother and her two half-sisters .One evening , her fairy godmother appears(tense) and has transformed (tense)the girl into a beautiful princess .So she can(tense) go to the prince's ball . The prince and the girl fall(tense) instantly in love . Stories like that are suitablle for all , children and adults . They allow young people to discover new words and enable children to fulfill their imaginations .
    I think reading is a necessary thing for everybody .I think reading is a necessary thing for all , children and adults ( les 2 phrases veulent dire la même chose) Reading allows to enrich our vocabulary, learn( apprendre: you learn your English lessons,choose another verb) news words and to get away( from where?and who gets away?) . I think that reading does not have a lot of disadvantages. However, by reading a lot, we can become dependent upon the books , For example , we think only ( we only think about) reading ,so we sleep late, we lose the notion of time... What is rather negative and can fluster the development of the children ( children est une généralité, donc, pas besoin de 'the')

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de moaaa38, postée le 29-12-2010 à 20:35:22 (S | E)
    Good evening alphonse46 and thank you very much !

    I like reading because I think reading has many advantages .
    We are able to understand historical topics by reading books, for example , " The diary of Anne Frank " deals of a German Jewish teenager who was born in Frankfurt am Main in Germany. Anne Frank wrote a diary while she was hiding with her family and her four friends in Amsterdam under the German occupation during World War II.
    This book allows us to live the events which occurred during World War II .
    Books have others advantages such as entertainment, for example ,the tales .These imaginary short stories allow to project the reader in another world and makes him dream like the tale : " Cinderella " . The tale was written by Charles Perrault in 1697 . It deals with a young girl who was mistreated by her stepmother and her two half-sisters .One evening , her fairy godmother appeared and transformed the girl into a beautiful princess .So, she could go to the prince's ball . The prince and the girl fell instantly in love . Stories like that are suitablle for all , children and adults . They allow young people to discover new words and enable children to fulfill their imaginations .
    I think reading is a necessary thing for all , children and adults . Reading allows to enrich our vocabulary and discovers news words . I think that reading does not have a lot of disadvantages. However, by reading a lot, we can become dependent upon the books , For example , we only think about reading . So, we sleep late, we lose the notion of time... What is rather negative and can fluster the development of children .

    Modifié par moaaa38 le 29-12-2010 20:35

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de alphonse46, postée le 30-12-2010 à 10:06:22 (S | E)
    Good morning, moaaa38

    I like reading because I think reading has many advantages .
    We are able to understand historical topics by reading books, for example , " The diary of Anne Frank " deals of a German Jewish teenager who was born in Frankfurt am Main in Germany. Anne Frank wrote a diary while she was hiding with her family and her four friends in Amsterdam under the German occupation during World War II.
    This book allows us to live the events which occurred during World War II .
    Books have others advantages such as entertainment, for example ,the tales .These imaginary short stories allow to project the reader in another world and makes him dream like the tale : " Cinderella " . The tale was written by Charles Perrault in 1697 . It deals with a young girl who was mistreated by her stepmother and her two half-sisters .One evening , her fairy godmother appeared and transformed the girl into a beautiful princess .So, she could go to the prince's ball . The prince and the girl fell instantly in love . Stories like that are suitablle for all , children and adults . They allow young people to discover new words and enable children to fulfill their imaginations .
    I think reading is a necessary thing for all , children and adults . Reading allows to enrich our vocabulary and discovers( tense) news words . I think that reading does not have a lot of disadvantages. However, by reading a lot, we can become dependent upon( I prefer: on) the books , For example , we only think about reading . So, we sleep late, we lose the notion of time... What is rather negative and can fluster the development of children
    Happy New Year

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de moaaa38, postée le 30-12-2010 à 18:00:49 (S | E)
    Good evening alphonse46 , thank you very much and Happy new year

    I like reading because I think reading has many advantages .
    We are able to understand historical topics by reading books, for example , " The diary of Anne Frank " deals of a German Jewish teenager who was born in Frankfurt am Main in Germany. Anne Frank wrote a diary while she was hiding with her family and her four friends in Amsterdam under the German occupation during World War II.
    This book allows us to live the events which occurred during World War II .
    Books have others advantages such as entertainment, for example ,the tales .These imaginary short stories allow to project the reader in another world and makes him dream like the tale : " Cinderella " . The tale was written by Charles Perrault in 1697 . It deals with a young girl who was mistreated by her stepmother and her two half-sisters .One evening , her fairy godmother appeared and transformed the girl into a beautiful princess .So, she could go to the prince's ball . The prince and the girl fell instantly in love . Stories like that are suitablle for all , children and adults . They allow young people to discover new words and enable children to fulfill their imaginations .
    I think reading is a necessary thing for all , children and adults . Reading allows to enrich our vocabulary and discovered news words . I think that reading does not have a lot of disadvantages. However, by reading a lot, we can become dependent on the books , For example , we only think about reading . So, we sleep late, we lose the notion of time... What is rather negative and can fluster the development of children .

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de notrepere, postée le 31-12-2010 à 06:32:51 (S | E)

    We are able to understand historical topics by reading books[point] For example, "The diary of Anne Frank " deals of [on dit: 'deals with'] a German Jewish teenager who was born in Frankfurt am Main in Germany. Anne Frank wrote a diary while she was hiding from the Germans with her family and her four friends in Amsterdam which was under (the) German occupation during World War II.

    This book allows us to live the events which that ['that' is preferable because it introduces an essential clause] occurred during World War II.

    Books can have others advantages too. For example, the tales provide entertainment. These imaginary short stories allow to project [we don't say allow + infinitive; je suggère: 'These imaginary short stories project' the reader into another world and makes [accorde 3ème personne du pluriel: stories] him dream like the tale : " Cinderella " [maladroite; que voulez-vous dire?] . The tale was written by Charles Perrault in 1697. It deals with a young girl who was mistreated by her stepmother and her two half-sisters. One evening, her fairy godmother appeared and transformed the girl into a beautiful princess so she could go to the prince's ball. The prince and the girl fell instantly in love. Stories like that are suitablle [orthographe] for all, both children and adults. They allow young people to discover new words and enable children to fulfill [pas le bon verbe] their imaginations.

    I think reading is a necessary thing for all, children and adults . Reading allows us to enrich our vocabulary and discovered news words. I think that reading does not have a lot of disadvantages. However, by reading a lot, we can become dependent on the books , For example , if we only think about reading then we sleep late, and we lose the notion of time What which is rather negative and can fluster [pas le bon verbe] the development of children.

    Attention : Il n'y a pas d'espace avant la ponctuation en anglais

    This is a sentence.
    These are my friends John, Mary, and Susan.

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de moaaa38, postée le 31-12-2010 à 21:55:07 (S | E)
    Bonsoir notrepere et merci beaucoup =)

    Voici :

    We are able to understand historical topics by reading books. For example, "The diary of Anne Frank deals witha German Jewish teenager who was born in Frankfurt am Main in Germany. Anne Frank wrote a diary while she was hiding from the Germans with her family and her four friends in Amsterdam which was under German occupation during World War II .Books can have others advantages too. For example, the tales provide entertainment.These imaginary short stories project the reader into another world and makes him dream like the tale " Cinderella ": = Ses histoires imaginaires Project le lecteur dans un autre monde et le fais rêver, comme pour le conte : " Cendrillon " .
    The tale was written by Charles Perrault in 1697. It deals with a young girl who was mistreated by her stepmother and her two half-sisters. One evening, her fairy godmother appeared and transformed the girl into a beautiful princess so she could go to the prince's ball. The prince and the girl fell instantly in love. Stories like that are suitable or all, both children and adults. They allow young people to discover new words and enable children to enrich their imaginations.

    I think reading is a necessary thing for all. Reading allows us to enrich our vocabulary and discovered news words. I think that reading does not have a lot of disadvantages. However, by reading a lot, we can become dependent on the books, for example, if we only think about reading then we sleep late, and we lose the notion of time which is rather negative and can disturb the development of children.

    Je ne savais pas qu'il n'y avait pas d'espace avant la ponctuation en anglais ! Merci

    Bonne Année 2011 à vous tous

    Modifié par moaaa38 le 03-01-2011 14:05

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de alphonse46, postée le 01-01-2011 à 08:50:11 (S | E)
    Good morning, moaaa38,
    'Cinderella': la remarque de Notrepere pointait le fait que 'Cinderella' est une traduction anglaise du titre de l'oeuvre: certains soutiendront que traduire un titre c'est aussi déformer le sens donné par l'auteur. D'autre part, 'cinderella' est synonyme de servante, ce qui est la première idée qui viendra à l'esprit de tout anglophone. En français,'Cendrillon' évoque les termes de cendres et de souillon, ce qui n'apparaît pas dans le mot 'Cinderella'.
    Notrepere, ayant eu la gentillesse de prendre le relais, je lui laisse le soin de terminer le parcours que vous aviez débuté avec moi.
    Have an a Happy New Year

    Modifié par lucile83 le 02-01-2011 09:47

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de may, postée le 02-01-2011 à 01:09:07 (S | E)

    Cela n'est pas un H muet


    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de alphonse46, postée le 02-01-2011 à 09:04:03 (S | E)
    Good morning, May
    you are right: a Happy New Year

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de may, postée le 02-01-2011 à 16:32:19 (S | E)

    Good morning alphonse46,

    you are absolutely right!

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de moaaa38, postée le 03-01-2011 à 14:41:57 (S | E)
    Bonjour à tous et encore une fois Happy New Year !

    alphonse46 : Vous partez ? oh dommage en tout cas merci énormément de m'avoir aidé ! Vous m'avez on peut dire sauvé !

    Je pense que je vais recopier mon texte sur feuille maintenant , vu que je dois le rendre mercredi . J’espère que j'aurais une bonne note
    Merci encore et bonne passez une bonne après-midi .

    Réponse: Aide Dm d'anglais de notrepere, postée le 03-01-2011 à 15:07:12 (S | E)

    Vous n'avez pas corrigé toutes les fautes indiquées en rouge ci-dessus.

    Concernant la phrase en bleu, je suggère que l'on doit changer l'ordre des mots:

    These imaginary short stories, such as "Cinderella", project the reader into another world and makes [accorde] him dream.

    Bonne chance.

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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