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    Bac pro/expression

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    Bac pro/expression
    Message de will_l posté le 30-01-2012 à 12:50:35 (S | E | F)

    je fais un annale travaille en ce moment les annales du bac professionnel d'anglais. Pourriez-vous, s'il vous plaît, corriger mon expression écrite ?
    Voici le sujet : "Do you think that having a driver's license is a necessity or could you do without it?"
    Voici ma réponse :

    I think it's worth having a driver's license. First, of course it proves you get the legal right to drive correctly. But thanks to a car or a motorbike, you can the means to work easier. For example, it's very pratical if you must go far away from at home to have a job. So you have a high liberty of movement. When you have a driver's license, it lets you be independant. Indeed this is the passport to go where you want and when you want. You can choose to go out with your friends without asking your parents. Finally, to own a driver's license means to become a grown up, to be 18-old-aged. This is a stage of a live.

    Merci de me répondre pour vos réponses.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 30-01-2012 15:38

    Réponse: Bac pro/expression de delf2312, postée le 31-01-2012 à 00:39:09 (S | E)

    I think it's worth having a driver's license. First, of course it proves you get (au prétérit c'est peut-être mieux) the legal right to drive correctly. But thanks to a car or a motorbike, you can the means ?? to work easier. For example, it's very practical if you must(1) go far away from at home to have (get) a job. So you have a high liberty of movement. When you have a driver's license, it lets (cela vous laisse être indépendant ? 'permet d'être me semble mieux) you be independant. Indeed, this is the passport to go where you want and when you want. You can choose to go out with your friends without asking your parents. Finally, to own a driver's license means to becoming a grown up, to being 18-old-aged. >>eighteen years old (c'est mieux d'écrire les nombres en lettres) This is a stage of a live. (bizarre: où as tu trouvé cette expression ?) J'aurais dis tout simplement : it is an important stage in one's life.

    (1) difference entre 'must' et 'have to' : must indique une obligation beaucoup plus forte, généralement imposée par celui qui parle.
    Ici, c'est une obligation imposée par personne en particulier il me semble. On peut même dire que c'est un besoin plus qu'une obligation et utiliser 'need to'.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 31-01-2012 06:34
    Ni jugement de valeur, ni autres conseils,merci.
    + couleur des corrections à revoir

    Réponse: Bac pro/expression de will_l, postée le 31-01-2012 à 14:52:36 (S | E)
    Bonjour, merci delf2312 pour votre correction.
    Voici mon expression écrite corrigée. Pourriez-vous, s'il-vous-plaît, corriger mes fautes ?

    I think it's worth having a driver's license. First, of course it proves you got the legal right to drive correctly and safe. But thanks to a car or a motorbike, you have the opportunity to get a job easier. For example, it's very practical if you need to go far away from home to work. So you have a high liberty of movement. When you have a driver's license, it enables you to be independant. Indeed, this is the passport to go where you want ans when you want. You can choose to go out with your friends without being with your parents. Finally, to own a driver's license means becoming a grown up, to being eighteen years old. It's a important stage in one's life.

    Merci pour vos réponses.

    Réponse: Bac pro/expression de delf2312, postée le 31-01-2012 à 19:47:10 (S | E)
    I think it's worth having a driver's license. First, of course it proves you got the legal right to drive correctly and safe (safe = adjectif, ici tu as besoin d'un adverbe). But thanks to a car or a motorbike, you have the opportunity to get a job easier (de manière facile donc il faut un adverbe : easily. Pour le mettre au comparatif de supériorité : more easily). For example, it's very practical if you need to go far away from home to work. So you have a high liberty of movement. When you have a driver's license, it enables you to be independent (mille excuses je pensais t'avoir corrigé mais j'ai ré-écris avec la faute : dans independent, il n'y a que des 'e'). Indeed, this is the passport to go where you want ans when you want. You can choose to go out with your friends without being with your parents. Finally, to own a driver's license means becoming a grown up, to(encore de ma faute, j'ai surligné le to au lieu de la barrer: quand on utilise un verbe en 'ing' il n'y a pas 'to' devant, 'to' n'est que pour la base verbale) being eighteen years old. It's an important stage in one's life.

    Réponse: Bac pro/expression de will_l, postée le 01-02-2012 à 15:42:19 (S | E)
    Bonjour, merci encore delf2312 pour ta correction ! C'est super!

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